Category Archives: All About Software Technology

Streaming ETL With Alpakka Kafka

In a previous startup I cofounded, our core product was a geospatial application that provided algorithmic ratings of the individual residential real estate properties for home buyers. Given that there were over 100+ millions of residential properties nationwide, the collective data volume of all the associated attributes necessary for the data engineering work was massive.

For the initial MVP (minimum viable product) releases in which we only needed to showcase our product features in a selected metropolitan area, we used PostgreSQL as the OLTP (online transaction processing) database. Leveraging Postgres’ table partitioning feature, we had an OLTP database capable of accommodating incremental geographical expansion into multiple cities and states.

Batch ETL

The need for a big data warehouse wasn’t imminent in the beginning, though we had to make sure a data processing platform for a highly scalable data warehouse along with efficient ETL (extract/transform/load) functions would be ready on a short notice. The main objective was to make sure the OLTP database could be kept at a minimal volume while less frequently used data got “archived” off to a big data warehouse for data analytics.

With limited engineering resources available in a small startup, I kicked off a R&D project on the side to build programmatic ETL processes to periodically funnel data from PostgreSQL to a big data warehouse in a batch manner. Cassandra was chosen to be the data warehouse and was configured on an Amazon EC2 cluster. The project was finished with a batch ETL solution that functionally worked as intended, although back in my mind a more “continuous” operational model would be preferred.

Real-time Streaming ETL

Fast-forward to 2021, I recently took on a big data streaming project that involves ETL and building data pipelines on a distributed platform. Central to the project requirement is real-time (or more precisely, near real-time) processing of high-volume data. Another aspect of the requirement is that the streaming system has to accommodate custom data pipelines as composable components of the consumers, suggesting that a streaming ETL solution would be more suitable than a batch one. Lastly, stream consumption needs to guarantee at-least-once delivery.

Given all that, Apache Kafka promptly stood out as a top candidate to serve as the distributed streaming brokers. In particular, its capability of keeping durable data in a distributed fault-tolerant cluster allows it to serve different consumers at various instances of time and locales. Next, Akka Stream was added to the tech stack for its versatile stream-based application integration functionality as well as benefits of reactive streams.

Alpakka – a reactive stream API and DSL

Built on top of Akka Stream, Alpakka provides a comprehensive API and DSL (domain specific language) for reactive and stream-oriented programming to address the application integration needs for interoperating with a wide range of prominent systems across various computing domains. That, coupled with the underlying Akka Stream’s versatile streaming functions, makes Alpakka a powerful toolkit for what is needed.

In this blog post, we’ll assemble in Scala a producer and a consumer using the Alpakka API to perform streaming ETL from a PostgreSQL database through Kafka brokers into a Cassandra data warehouse. In a subsequent post, we’ll enhance and package up these snippets to address the requirement of at-least-once delivery in consumption and composability of data pipelines.

Streaming ETL with Alpakka Kafka, Slick, Cassandra, …

The following diagram shows the near-real time ETL functional flow of data streaming from various kinds of data sources (e.g. a PostgreSQL database or a CSV file) to data destinations (e.g. a Cassandra data warehouse or a custom data stream outlet).

Alpakka Kafka - Streaming ETL

The Apache Kafka brokers provide a distributed publish-subscribe platform for keeping in-flight data in durable immutable logs readily available for consumption. Meanwhile, the Akka Stream based Alpakka API that comes with a DSL allows programmatic integrations to compose data pipelines as sources, sinks and flows, in addition to enabling “reactivity” by equipping the streams with non-blocking backpressure.

It should be noted that the same stream can be processed using various data sources and destinations simultaneously. For instance, data with the same schema from both the CSV file and Postgres database could be published to the same topic and consumed by a consumer group designated for the Cassandra database and another consumer group for a different data storage.

Example: ETL of real estate property listing data

The platform will be for general-purpose ETL/pipelining. For illustration purpose in this blog post, we’re going to use it to perform streaming ETL of some simplified dataset of residential real estate property listings.

First, we create a simple class to represent a property listing.

package alpakkafka

case class PropertyListing(
    propertyId: Int,
    dataSource: Option[String],
    bathrooms: Option[Double],
    bedrooms: Option[Int],
    listPrice: Option[Double],
    livingArea: Option[Int],
    propertyType: Option[String],
    yearBuilt: Option[String],
    lastUpdated: Option[String],
    streetAddress: Option[String],
    city: Option[String],
    state: Option[String],
    zip: Option[String],
    country: Option[String]
  ) {
    def summary(): String = {
      val ba = bathrooms.getOrElse(0)
      val br = bedrooms.getOrElse(0)
      val price = listPrice.getOrElse(0)
      val area = livingArea.getOrElse(0)
      val street = streetAddress.getOrElse("")
      val cit = city.getOrElse("")
      val sta = state.getOrElse("")
      s"PropertyID: $propertyId | Price: $$$price ${br}BR/${ba}BA/${area}sqft | Address: $street, $cit, $sta"

Using the good old sbt as the build tool, relevant library dependencies for Akka Stream, Alpakka Kafka, Postgres/Slick and Cassandra/DataStax are included in build.sbt.

name := "alpakka-streaming-etl"

version := "0.1"

scalaVersion := "2.13.6"

scalacOptions += "-deprecation"

val akkaVersion = "2.6.16"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % akkaVersion,
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-slf4j" % akkaVersion,
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream" % akkaVersion,
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream-kafka" % "2.1.1",
  "com.lightbend.akka" %% "akka-stream-alpakka-slick" % "3.0.3",
  "org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "42.2.24",
  "com.lightbend.akka" %% "akka-stream-alpakka-csv" % "3.0.3",
  "com.lightbend.akka" %% "akka-stream-alpakka-cassandra" % "3.0.3",
  "com.datastax.oss" % "java-driver-core" % "4.13.0",
  "org.apache.tinkerpop" % "tinkergraph-gremlin" % "3.5.1",
  "io.spray" %%  "spray-json" % "1.3.6",
  "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.2.4" % Runtime

trapExit := false

Next, we put configurations for Akka Actor, Alpakka Kafka, Slick and Cassandra in application.conf under src/main/resources/:

akka {
  loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
  logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter"
} = on

slick-postgres {
  profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$"
  db {
    dataSourceClass = "slick.jdbc.DriverDataSource"
    properties = {
      driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
      url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/propertydb"
      user = "pipeliner"
      password = "pa$$word"

akka.kafka.producer {
  discovery-method = akka.discovery
  service-name = ""
  resolve-timeout = 3 seconds
  parallelism = 10000
  close-timeout = 60s
  close-on-producer-stop = true
  use-dispatcher = "akka.kafka.default-dispatcher"
  eos-commit-interval = 100ms
  kafka-clients {

akkafka.producer.with-brokers: ${akka.kafka.producer} {
  kafka-clients {
    bootstrap.servers = ""

akka.kafka.consumer {
  poll-interval = 250ms  # 50ms
  poll-timeout = 50ms
  stop-timeout = 10s     # 30s
  close-timeout = 10s    # 20s
  commit-timeout = 10s   # 15s
  wakeup-timeout = 10s
  eos-draining-check-interval = 30ms
  use-dispatcher = "akka.kafka.default-dispatcher"
  kafka-clients { = true  # `true` for `Consumer.plainSource`

akkafka.consumer.with-brokers: ${akka.kafka.consumer} {
  kafka-clients {
    bootstrap.servers = ""

akka.kafka.committer {
  max-batch = 1000
  max-interval = 10s
  parallelism = 100
  delivery = WaitForAck
  when = OffsetFirstObserved

alpakka.cassandra {
  session-provider = ""
  service-discovery {
    name = ""
    lookup-timeout = 1 s
  session-dispatcher = ""
  datastax-java-driver-config = "datastax-java-driver"

datastax-java-driver {
  basic {
    contact-points = [""]
    load-balancing-policy.local-datacenter = datacenter1
  advanced.reconnect-on-init = true

Note that the sample configuration is for running the application with all Kafka, PostgreSQL and Cassandra on a single computer. The host IPs (i.e. should be replaced with their corresponding host IPs/names in case they’re on separate hosts. For example, relevant configurations for Kafka brokers and Cassandra database spanning across multiple hosts might look something like bootstrap.servers = ",," and contact-points = ["",""].

PostgresProducerPlain – an Alpakka Kafka producer

The PostgresProducerPlain snippet below creates a Kafka producer using Alpakka Slick which allows SQL queries to be coded in Slick’s functional programming style.

package alpakkafka

import akka.{Done, NotUsed}


import akka.kafka.ProducerSettings
import akka.kafka.scaladsl.Producer
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer

import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.Try

object PostgresProducerPlain {

  def run(topic: String,
          offset: Int = 0,
          limit: Int = Int.MaxValue)(implicit
                                     slickSession: SlickSession,
                                     jsonFormat: JsonFormat[PropertyListing],
                                     system: ActorSystem,
                                     ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Done] = {

    import slickSession.profile.api._

    class PropertyListings(tag: Tag) extends Table[PropertyListing](tag, "property_listing") {
      def propertyId = column[Int]("property_id", O.PrimaryKey)
      def dataSource = column[Option[String]]("data_source")
      def bathrooms = column[Option[Double]]("bathrooms")
      def bedrooms = column[Option[Int]]("bedrooms")
      def listPrice = column[Option[Double]]("list_price")
      def livingArea = column[Option[Int]]("living_area")
      def propertyType = column[Option[String]]("property_type")
      def yearBuilt = column[Option[String]]("year_built")
      def lastUpdated = column[Option[String]]("last_updated")
      def streetAddress = column[Option[String]]("street_address")
      def city = column[Option[String]]("city")
      def state = column[Option[String]]("state")
      def zip = column[Option[String]]("zip")
      def country = column[Option[String]]("country")
      def * =
        (propertyId, dataSource, bathrooms, bedrooms, listPrice, livingArea, propertyType, yearBuilt, lastUpdated, streetAddress, city, state, zip, country) <> (PropertyListing.tupled, PropertyListing.unapply)

    val source: Source[PropertyListing, NotUsed] =

    val producerConfig = system.settings.config.getConfig("akkafka.producer.with-brokers")
    val producerSettings =
      ProducerSettings(producerConfig, new StringSerializer, new StringSerializer)

      .map{ property =>
        val prodRec = new ProducerRecord[String, String](
            topic, property.propertyId.toString, property.toJson.compactPrint
        println(s"[POSTRES] >>> Producer msg: $prodRec")

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    implicit val system = ActorSystem()
    implicit val ec = system.dispatcher

    implicit val propertyListingJsonFormat: JsonFormat[PropertyListing] = jsonFormat14(PropertyListing)
    implicit val slickSession = SlickSession.forConfig("slick-postgres")

    val topic = "property-listing-topic"
    val offset: Int = if (args.length >= 1) Try(args(0).toInt).getOrElse(0) else 0
    val limit: Int = if (args.length == 2) Try(args(1).toInt).getOrElse(Int.MaxValue) else Int.MaxValue

    run(topic, offset, limit) onComplete{ _ =>

Method Slick.source[T]() takes a streaming query and returns a Source[T, NotUsed]. In this case, T is PropertyListing. Note that Slick.source() can also take a plain SQL statement wrapped within sql"..." as its argument, if wanted (in which case an implicit value of slick.jdbc.GetResult should be defined).

A subsequent map wraps each of the property listing objects in a ProducerRecord[K,V] with topic and key/value of type String/JSON, before publishing to the Kafka topic via Alpakka Kafka’s Producer.plainSink[K,V].

To run PostgresProducerPlain, simply navigate to the project root and execute the following command from within a command line terminal:

# sbt "runMain alpakkafka.PostgresProducerPlain  "

# Stream the first 20 rows from property_listing in Postgres into Kafka under topic "property-listing"
sbt "runMain alpakkafka.PostgresProducerPlain 0 20"

# Stream all rows from property_listing in Postgres into Kafka under topic "property-listing"
sbt "runMain alpakkafka.PostgresProducerPlain"

CassandraConsumerPlain – an Alpakka Kafka consumer

Using Alpakka Kafka, CassandraConsumerPlain shows how a basic Kafka consumer can be formulated as an Akka stream that consumes data from Kafka via Consumer.plainSource followed by a stream processing operator, Alpakka Cassandra’s CassandraFlow to stream the data into a Cassandra database.

package alpakkafka

import akka.{Done, NotUsed}

import akka.kafka.{CommitterSettings, ConsumerSettings, Subscriptions}
import akka.kafka.scaladsl.{Committer, Consumer}
import akka.kafka.scaladsl.Consumer.DrainingControl
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{ConsumerConfig, ConsumerRecord}
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer

import{CassandraSessionSettings, CassandraWriteSettings}
import{CassandraSession, CassandraSessionRegistry}
import{CassandraFlow, CassandraSource}
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.{BoundStatement, PreparedStatement}

import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

object CassandraConsumerPlain {

  def run(consumerGroup: String,
          topic: String)(implicit
                         cassandraSession: CassandraSession,
                         jsonFormat: JsonFormat[PropertyListing],
                         system: ActorSystem,
                         ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Done] = {

    val consumerConfig = system.settings.config.getConfig("akkafka.consumer.with-brokers")
    val consumerSettings =
      ConsumerSettings(consumerConfig, new StringDeserializer, new StringDeserializer)
        .withProperty(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest")

    val table = "propertydata.property_listing"
    val partitions = 10  // number of partitions

    val statementBinder: (ConsumerRecord[String, String], PreparedStatement) => BoundStatement = {
      case (msg, preparedStatement) =>
        val p = msg.value().parseJson.convertTo[PropertyListing]
          (p.propertyId % partitions).toString,, p.dataSource.getOrElse("unknown"),
          p.propertyType.getOrElse(""), p.yearBuilt.getOrElse(""), p.lastUpdated.getOrElse(""), p.streetAddress.getOrElse(""),""), p.state.getOrElse(""),""),"")
    val cassandraFlow: Flow[ConsumerRecord[String, String], ConsumerRecord[String, String], NotUsed] =
        s"""INSERT INTO $table (partition_key, property_id, data_source, bathrooms, bedrooms, list_price, living_area, property_type, year_built, last_updated, street_address, city, state, zip, country)
           |VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""".stripMargin,

    val control: DrainingControl[Done] =
        .plainSource(consumerSettings, Subscriptions.topics(topic))


  def query(sql: String)(implicit
                         cassandraSession: CassandraSession,
                         system: ActorSystem,
                         ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[(String, PropertyListing)]] = {

      .map{ r =>
        val partitionKey = r.getString("partition_key")
        val propertyListingTuple = (
        val propertyListing = PropertyListing.tupled(propertyListingTuple)
        (partitionKey, propertyListing)

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    implicit val system = ActorSystem()
    implicit val ec = system.dispatcher

    implicit val propertyListingJsonFormat: JsonFormat[PropertyListing] = jsonFormat14(PropertyListing)
    implicit val cassandraSession: CassandraSession =

    val consumerGroup = "datawarehouse-consumer-group"
    val topic = "property-listing-topic"

    run(consumerGroup, topic) onComplete(println)

    // Query for property listings within a Cassandra partition
    val sql = s"SELECT * FROM propertydata.property_listing WHERE partition_key = '0';"
    query(sql) onComplete {
      case Success(res) => res.foreach(println)
      case Failure(e) => println(s"ERROR: $e")


A few notes:

  • Consumer.plainSource: As a first stab at building a consumer, we use Alpakka Kafka’s Consumer.plainSource[K,V] as the stream source. To ensure the stream to be stopped in a controlled fashion, Consumer.Drainingcontrol is included when composing the stream graph. While it’s straight forward to use, plainSource doesn’t offer programmatic tracking of the commit offset position thus cannot guarantee at-least-once delivery. An enhanced version of the consumer will be constructed in a subsequent blog post.
  • Partition key: Cassandra mandates having a partition key as part of the primary key of every table for distributing across cluster nodes. In our property listing data, we make the modulo of the Postgres primary key property_id by the number of partitions to be the partition key. It could certainly be redefined to something else (e.g. locale or type of the property) in accordance with the specific business requirement.
  • CassandraSource: Method query() simply executes queries against a Cassandra database using CassandraSource which takes a CQL query with syntax similar to standard SQL’s. It isn’t part of the consumer flow, but is rather as a convenient tool for verifying stream consumption result.
  • CassandraFlow: Alpakka’s CassandraFlow.create[S]() is the main processing operator responsible for streaming data into the Cassandra database. It takes a CQL PreparedStatement and a “statement binder” that binds the incoming class variables to the corresponding Cassandra columns before executing the insert/update. In this case, S is ConsumerRecord[K,V].

To run CassandraConsumerPlain, Navigate to the project root and execute the following from within a command line terminal:

# Stream any uncommitted data from Kafka topic "property-listing" into Cassandra
sbt "runMain alpakkafka.CassandraConsumerPlain"

Table schema in PostgreSQL & Cassandra

Obviously, the streaming ETL application is supposed to run in the presence of one or more Kafka brokers, a PostgreSQL database and a Cassandra data warehouse. For proof of concept, getting all these systems with basic configurations on a descent computer (Linux, Mac OS, etc) is a trivial exercise. The ETL application is readily scalable that it would require only configurative changes when, say, needs rise for scaling up of Kafka and Cassandra to span clusters of nodes in the cloud.

Below is how the table schema of property_listing can be created in PostgreSQL via psql:

CREATE ROLE pipeliner WITH createdb login ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'pa$$word';
CREATE DATABASE propertydb WITH OWNER 'pipeliner' ENCODING 'utf8';

CREATE TABLE property_listing (
    property_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
    bathrooms numeric,
    bedrooms integer,
    list_price double precision,
    living_area integer,
    property_type text,
    year_built text,
    data_source text,
    last_updated timestamp with time zone,
    street_address character varying(250),
    city character varying(50),
    state character varying(50),
    zip character varying(10),
    country character varying(3)  
ALTER TABLE property_listing OWNER TO pipeliner;

To create keyspace propertydata and the corresponding table property_listing in Cassandra, one can launch cqlsh and execute the following CQL statements:

CREATE KEYSPACE propertydata
   'class' : 'SimpleStrategy',  // use 'NetworkTopologyStrategy' for multi-node
   'replication_factor' : 2     // use 'datacenter1' for multi-node

CREATE TABLE propertydata.property_listing (
    partition_key text,
    property_id int,
    data_source text,
    bathrooms double,
    bedrooms int,
    list_price double,
    living_area int,
    property_type text,
    year_built text,
    last_updated text,
    street_address text,
    city text,
    state text,
    zip text,
    country text,
    PRIMARY KEY ((partition_key), property_id)

What’s next?

So, we now have a basic streaming ETL system running Alphakka Kafka on top of a cluster of Kafka brokers to form the reactive stream “backbone” for near real-time ETL between data stores. With Alpakka Slick and Alpakka Cassandra, a relational database like PostgreSQL and a Cassandra data warehouse can be made part of the system like composable stream components.

As noted earlier, the existing Cassandra consumer does not guarantee at-least-once delivery, which is part of the requirement. In the next blog post, we’ll enhance the existing consumer to address the required delivery guarantee. We’ll also add a data processing pipeline to illustrate how to construct additional data pipelines as composable stream operators. All relevant source code along with some sample dataset will be published in a GitHub repo.

A Rate-limiter In Akka Stream

Rate-limiting is a common measure for preventing the resource of a given computing service (e.g. an API service) from being swamped by excessive requests. There are various strategies for achieving rate-limiting, but fundamentally it’s about how to limit the frequency of requests from any sources within a set time window. While a rate-limiter can be implemented in many different ways, it’s, by nature, something well-positioned to be crafted as a stream operator.

Wouldn’t “throttle()” suffice?

Akka Stream’s versatile stream processing functions make it an appealing option for implementing rate-limiters. It provides stream operators like throttle() with token bucket model for industry-standard rate-limiting. However, directly applying the function to the incoming request elements would mechanically throttle every request, thus “penalizing” requests from all sources when excessive requests were from, say, just a single source.

We need a slightly more sophisticated rate-limiting solution for the computing service to efficiently serve “behaving” callers while not being swamped by “misbehaving” ones.

Rate-limiting calls to an API service

Let’s say we have an API service that we would like to equip with rate-limiting. Incoming requests will be coming through as elements of an input stream. Each incoming request will consist of source-identifying and API-call, represented as a simple case class instance with apiKey being the unique key/id for an API user and apiParam the submitted parameter for the API call:

case class Request[A](apiKey: String, apiParam: A)

A simplistic API call function that takes the apiKey, apiParam and returns a Future may look something like this:

def apiCall[A, B](key: String, param: A)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = ???

For illustration purpose, we’ll trivialize it to return a String-type Future:

def apiCall[A](key: String, param: A)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
  Future{s"apiResult($key, $param)"}

Next, we define the following main attributes for the rate-limiter:

val timeWindow = 2.seconds
val maxReqs = 10       // Max overall requests within the timeWindow
val maxReqsPerKey = 3  // Max requests per apiKey within the timeWindow

Strategy #1: Discard excessive API calls from any sources

We’ll look into two different filtering strategies that rate-limit calls to our API service. One approach is to limit API calls within the predefined timeWindow from any given apiKey to not more than the maxReqsPerKey value. In other words, those excessive incoming requests with a given apiKey above the maxReqsPerKey limit will be discarded. We can come up with such filtering logic as a FlowShape like below:

// Rate-limiting flow that discards excessive API calls from any sources
def keepToLimitPerKey[A](): Flow[Seq[Request[A]], Seq[Request[A]], akka.NotUsed] = Flow[Seq[Request[A]]].
  map{ g =>
    g.foldLeft((List.empty[Request[A]], Map.empty[String, Int])){ case ((acc, m), req) =>
      val count = m.getOrElse(req.apiKey, 0) + 1
      if (count <= maxReqsPerKey) (req :: acc, m + (req.apiKey -> count))
      else (acc, m + (req.apiKey -> count))

The filtering Flow takes a sequence of requests returns a filtered sequence. By iterating through the input sequence with foldLeft while keeping track of the request count per apiKey with a Map, it keeps only up to the first maxReqsPerKey of requests for any given apiKey.

Strategy #2: Drop all API calls from any “offending” sources

An alternative strategy is that for any given apiKey, all API calls with the key will be dropped if the count exceeds the maxReqsPerKey value within the timeWindow. Here’s the corresponding filtering Flow:

// Rate-limiting flow that drops all API calls from any offending sources
def dropAllReqsByKey[A](): Flow[Seq[Request[A]], Seq[Request[A]], akka.NotUsed] = Flow[Seq[Request[A]]].
  map{ g =>
    val offendingKeys = g.groupMapReduce(_.apiKey)(_ => 1)(_ + _).
      collect{ case (key, cnt) if cnt > maxReqsPerKey => key }.toSeq
    g.filterNot(req => offendingKeys.contains(req.apiKey))

As shown in the self-explanatory code, this alternative filtering Flow simply identifies which apiKeys originate the count-violating requests per timeWindow and filter out all of their requests.

Grouping API requests in time windows using “groupedWithin()”

Now that we’re equipped with a couple of rate-limiting strategies, we’re going to come up with a stream operator that does the appropriate grouping of the API requests. To achieve that, we use Akka Stream function groupedWithin() which divides up a stream into groups of up to a given number of elements received within a time window. It has the following method signature:

def groupedWithin(n: Int, d: FiniteDuration): Repr[Seq[Out]]

The function produces chunks of API requests that serve as properly-typed input to be ingested by one of the filtering Flows we’ve created. That seems to fit perfectly into what we need.

Well, there is a caveat though. The groupedWithin() operator emits when the given time interval (i.e. d, which corresponds to timeWindow in our use case) elapses since the previous emission or the specified number of elements (i.e. n, which corresponds to our maxReqs) is buffered — whichever happens first. In essence, if there are more than n elements readily available upstream, the operator will not fulfill our at-most n elements requirement within the time window.

A work-around is to subsequently apply the throttle() to the grouped requests as a single batch to enforce the time-windowed rate-limiting requirement.

Test-running our API service rate-limiter

Let’s assemble a minuscule stream of requests to test-run our rate-limiter using the first filtering strategy. To make it easy to spot the dropped API requests, we assign the apiParam parameter of each request an integer value that reveals the request’ position in the input stream via zipWithIndex.

import{ActorMaterializer, ThrottleMode, OverflowStrategy}
import akka.NotUsed
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._

implicit val system = ActorSystem("system")
implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()  // for Akka stream v2.5 or below

case class Request[A](apiKey: String, apiParam: A)

def apiCall[A](key: String, param: A)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
  Future{s"apiResult($key, $param)"}

val timeWindow = 2.seconds
val maxReqs = 10
val maxReqsPerKey = 3

val requests: Iterator[Request[Int]] = Vector(
    5, 1, 1, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 2, 2,  // Rogue keys: `5`
    1, 5, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4,
    5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 3, 3,  // Rogue keys: `3` & `4` 
    6, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1, 1, 5         // Rogue keys: `1`
  map{ case (x, i) => Request(s"k-$x", i + 1) }.

Source.fromIterator(() => requests).
  groupedWithin(maxReqs, timeWindow).
  via(keepToLimitPerKey()).  // Rate-limiting strategy #1
  throttle(1, timeWindow, 1, ThrottleMode.Shaping).
  mapConcat( => apiCall(req.apiKey, req.apiParam))).

| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 1)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-1, 2)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-1, 3)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 4)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 5)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 6)))   // Request(k-5, 7) dropped
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-6, 8)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-2, 9)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-2, 10)))
v <-- ~2 seconds
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-1, 11)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 12)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 13)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-2, 14)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-3, 15)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 16)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-6, 17)))
| Future(<not completed>)
| Future(<not completed>)
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 20)))
v <-- ~2 seconds
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 21)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 22)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-3, 23)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-3, 24)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 25)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 26)))  // Request(k-4, 27) dropped
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-1, 28)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-3, 29)))  // Request(k-3, 30) dropped
v <-- ~2 seconds
| Future(<not completed>)
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-1, 32)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-1, 33)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 34)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 35)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-1, 36)))  // Request(k-1, 37) dropped
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 38)))
v <-- ~2 seconds

Note that mapConcat() is for flattening the stream of grouped API requests back to a stream of individual requests in their original order.

Next, we test-run our rate-limiter using the alternative filtering strategy with the same input stream and timeWindow/maxReqs/maxReqsPerKey parameters:

val requests: Iterator[Request[Int]] = Vector(
    5, 1, 1, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 2, 2,  // Rogue keys: `5`
    1, 5, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4,
    5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 3, 3,  // Rogue keys: `3` & `4` 
    6, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1, 1, 5         // Rogue keys: `1`
  map{ case (x, i) => Request(s"k-$x", i + 1) }.

Source.fromIterator(() => requests).
  groupedWithin(maxReqs, timeWindow).
  via(dropAllReqsByKey()).  // Rate-limiting strategy #2
  throttle(1, timeWindow, 1, ThrottleMode.Shaping).
  mapConcat( => apiCall(req.apiKey, req.apiParam))).

| Future(Success(apiResult(k-1, 2)))
| Future(<not completed>)
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 4)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-6, 8)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-2, 9)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-2, 10)))  // All requests by k-5 dropped
v <-- ~2 seconds
| Future(<not completed>)
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 12)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 13)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-2, 14)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-3, 15)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 16)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-6, 17)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-6, 18)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 19)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 20)))
v <-- ~2 seconds
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 21)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-1, 28)))  // All requests by k-3 or k-4 dropped
v <-- ~2 seconds
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-6, 31)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 34)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-4, 35)))
| Future(Success(apiResult(k-5, 38)))  // All requests by k-1 dropped
v <-- ~2 seconds

Wrapping the rate-limiter in a class

To generalize the rate-limiter, we can create a wrapper class that parameterizes apiCall and filteringStrategy along with the timeWindow, maxReqs, maxReqsPerKey parameters.

case class Request[A](apiKey: String, apiParam: A)

case class RateLimiter[A, B](apiCall: (String, A) => Future[B],
                             filteringStrategy: Int => Flow[Seq[Request[A]], Seq[Request[A]], NotUsed],
                             timeWindow: FiniteDuration,
                             maxReqs: Int,
                             maxReqsPerKey: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
  def flow(): Flow[Request[A], Future[B], NotUsed] =
      groupedWithin(maxReqs, timeWindow).
      throttle(1, timeWindow, 1, ThrottleMode.Shaping).
      mapConcat( => apiCall(req.apiKey, req.apiParam)))

object RateLimiter {
  // Rate-limiting flow that discards excessive API calls from any sources
  def keepToLimitPerKey[A](maxReqsPerKey: Int): Flow[Seq[Request[A]], Seq[Request[A]], akka.NotUsed] =
    Flow[Seq[Request[A]]].map{ g =>
      g.foldLeft((List.empty[Request[A]], Map.empty[String, Int])){ case ((acc, m), req) =>
        val count = m.getOrElse(req.apiKey, 0) + 1
        if (count <= maxReqsPerKey) (req :: acc, m + (req.apiKey -> count))
        else (acc, m + (req.apiKey -> count))

  // Rate-limiting flow that drops all API calls from any offending sources
  def dropAllReqsByKey[A](maxReqsPerKey: Int): Flow[Seq[Request[A]], Seq[Request[A]], akka.NotUsed] =
    Flow[Seq[Request[A]]].map{ g =>
      val offendingKeys = g.groupMapReduce(_.apiKey)(_ => 1)(_ + _).
        collect{ case (key, cnt) if cnt > maxReqsPerKey => key }.toSeq
      g.filterNot(req => offendingKeys.contains(req.apiKey))

Note that implementations of any available filtering strategies are now kept within the RateLimiter companion object.

A “biased” random-number function

Let’s also create a simple function for generating “biased” random integers for test-running the rate-limiter class.

def biasedRandNum(l: Int, u: Int, biasedNums: Set[Int], biasedFactor: Int = 1): Int = {
  def rand = java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.current 
    iterate(rand.nextInt(l, u+1), biasedFactor)(_ => rand.nextInt(l, u+1)).
    headOption match {
      case Some(n) => n
      case None => rand.nextInt(l, u+1)

Method biasedRandNum() simply generates a random integer within a given range that skews towards elements in the provided biasedNums list. The biasedFactor (e.g. 0, 1, 2, …) influences the skew-level by forcing the random number generator to repeat “biased” trials, with 0 representing no-bias. A larger biasedFactor value will increase the skew.

For example, biasedRandNum(0, 9, Set(1, 3, 5)) will generate a random integer between 0 and 9 (inclusive), skewing towards generating 1, 3 or 5 with the default biasedFactor = 1.

Test-running the rate-limiter class with random data

def apiCall[A](key: String, param: A)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
  Future{s"apiResult($key, $param)"}

val requests: Iterator[Request[Int]] = Vector.tabulate(1200)(_ => biasedRandNum(0, 9, Set(1, 3, 5), 2)).
  map{ case (x, i) => Request(s"k-$x", i + 1) }.

Source.fromIterator(() => requests).
  via(RateLimiter(apiCall, RateLimiter.dropAllReqsByKey[Int], 2.seconds, 500, 20).flow()).

In the above example, you’ll see in the output a batch of up to 500 elements get printed for every couple of seconds. The “biasedFactor” is set to 2 significantly skewing the random apiKey values towards the biasedNums elements 1, 3 and 5, and since filtering strategy dropAllReqsByKey is chosen, a likely observation is that all requests with apiKey k-1, k-3 or k-5 will be dropped by the rate-limiter.

I’ll leave it to the readers to experiment with the rate-limiter by changing the values of parameters in biasedRandNum() as well as constructor fields in class RateLimiter.

Actor-based Blockchain In Akka Typed

As blockchain computing continues to steadily gain momentum across various industries, relevant platforms such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc, have emerged and prospered. Even though the term blockchain has evolved beyond a mere keyword for cryptocurrency, its core underlying operational structure still adheres to how a cryptocurrency fundamentally maintains a decentralized ledger — that is, as distributed copies of a growing blockchain kept by individual nodes on the system to agree on an eventual version of the blockchain via a consensual algorithm.

Blockchain application using Akka classic actors

In 2020, I developed an Actor-based blockchain application (source code at GitHub) in Scala using Akka Actor’s classic API. While it’s primarily for proof of concept, the application does utilize relevant cryptographic functions (e.g. public key cryptography standards), hash data structure (e.g. Merkle trees), along with a simplified proof-of-work consensus algorithm to simulate mining of a decentralized cryptocurrency on a scalable cluster.

Since the blockchain application consists of just a handful of Actors mostly handling common use cases, migrating it to using the typed Actor API serves a great trial exercise for something new. While it was never expected to be a trivial find-and-replace task, it was also not a particularly difficult one. A recent mini-blog series highlights the migration how-to’s of some key actor/cluster features used by the blockchain application.

The Akka Typed blockchain application

For the impatient, source code for the Akka Typed blockchain application is at this GitHub link.

Written in Scala, the build tool for the application is the good old sbt, with the library dependencies specified in “{project-root}/built.sbt”. Besides akka-actor-typed and akka-cluster-typed for the typed actor/cluster features, Bouncy Castle and Apache Commons Codec are included for processing public key files in PKCS#8 PEM format.

For proof of concept purpose, the blockchain application can be run on a single computer on multiple Shell command terminals, using the default configurations specified in “{project-root}/src/main/resources/application.conf”. The configuration file consists of information related to Akka cluster/remoting transport protocol, seed nodes, etc. The cluster setup can be reconfigured to run on an actual network of computer nodes in the cloud. Also included in the configuration file are a number of configurative parameters for mining of the blockchain, such as mining reward, time limit, proof-of-work difficulty level, etc.

akka {

  actor {
    provider = "cluster"

    default-dispatcher {
      throughput = 10

    allow-java-serialization = on
    warn-about-java-serializer-usage = off

  remote.artery {
    enabled = on
    transport = tcp
    canonical {
      hostname = ""
      port = 2551

  cluster {
    seed-nodes = [

blockchain {
  proof-of-work {
    difficulty = 3
    nonce = 0
    reward = 99
    network-name = "akka-blockchain"
    network-account-key = "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"

  timeout {
    mining = 20000
    block-validation = 1000

  simulator {
    transaction-feed-interval = 15000
    mining-average-interval = 20000

The underlying data structures of the blockchain

Since all the changes to the blockchain application are only for migrating actors to Akka Typed, the underlying data structures for the blockchain, its inner structural dependencies as well as associated cryptographic functions remain unchanged.

As an attempt to make this blog post an independent one, some content of the application overview is going to overlap the previous overview for the Akka classic application. Nonetheless, I’m including some extra diagrams for a little more clarity.

Below is a diagram showing the blockchain’s underlying data structures:

  • Account, TransactionItem, Transactions
  • MerkleTree
  • Block, RootBlock, LinkedBlock
  • ProofOfWork

The centerpiece of the blockchain data structures is the abstract class Block which is extended by RootBlock (i.e. the “genesis block”) and LinkedBlock. Each of the individual blocks is identified by the hash field and backward-linked to its predecessor via hashPrev.

Field difficulty carries the difficulty level pre-set in the application configuration. The nonce field is initialized also from configuration and will be updated with the proof value returned from the proof-of-work consensual algorithm (which is difficulty-dependent).

Class Transactions represents a sequence of transaction items, along with the sender/receiver (of type Account) and timestamp. Both the transaction sequence and its hashed value merkleRoot are kept in a Block object. The Account class is identified by field key which is the Base64 public key of the PKCS keypair possessed by the account owner. As for object ProofOfWork, it’s a “static” class for keeping the consensual algorithmic methods for proof-of-work.

For a deeper dive of the various objects’ inner workings, please read the following blogs:

  1. Transaction Hash Tree in a Blockchain
  2. Blockchain Mining and Proof-of-Work

Source code for the data structures can be found under akkablockchain/model in the GitHub repo.

The typed actors that “run” the blockchain

As for the actors, aside from being revised from loosely to strictly typed actors, their respective functionalities within a given cluster node as well as among the peer actors on other cluster nodes remain unchanged.

The following diagram highlights the hierarchical flow logic of the various actors on a given cluster node:

Starter – On each cluster node, the main program of blockchain application is initialized with starting up the top-level Starter actor (a.k.a. the user guardian), which in turn spawns two actors: Blockchainer and Simulator.

Blockchainer – The Blockchainer actor on any given cluster node maintains a copy of the blockchain and transaction queue for a miner identified by their cryptographic public key. It collects submitted transactions in the queue and updates the blockchain according to the proof-of-work consensual rules by means of the cluster-wide distributed pub/sub. The actor delegates mining work to its child actor Miner and validation of mined blocks to child actor BlockInspector.

Miner – The mining tasks of carrying out computationally demanding proof-of-work is handled by the Miner actor. Using an asynchronous routine bound by a configurable time-out, actor Miner returns the proofs back to the parent actor via the Akka request-response ask queries.

BlockInspector – This other child actor of Blockchainer is responsible for validating content of a newly mined block before it can be appended to the existing blockchain. The validation verifies that generated proof within the block as well as the intertwined hash values up the chain of the historical blocks. The result is then returned to the parent actor via Akka ask.

Simulator – Actor Simulator simulates mining requests and transaction submissions sent to the Blockchainer actor on the same node. It generates periodic mining requests by successively calling Akka scheduler function scheduleOnce with random variations of configurable time intervals. Transaction submissions are delegated to actor TransactionFeeder.

TransactionFeeder – This child actor of Simulator periodically submits transactions to actor Blockchainer via an Akka scheduler. Transactions are created with random user accounts and transaction amounts. Accounts are represented by their cryptographic public keys. For demonstration purpose, a number of PKCS#8 PEM keypair files were created and kept under “{project-root}/src/main/resources/keys/” to save initial setup time.

Since the overall functional flow of this application remains the same as the old one, this previously published diagram is also worth noting:

Akka Blockchain - functional flow

Source code for the actors can be found under akkablockchain/actor in the GitHub repo.

Areas that could be feature-enhanced

This blockchain application is primarily for proof of concept, thus the underlying data structure and security features have been vastly simplified. For it to get a little closer to a real-world cryptocurrency, addition/enhancement of features in a few areas should be considered. The following bullet items are a re-cap of the “Feature enhancement” section from the old blog:

Data encryption: The transactions stored in the blockchain unencrypted. Individual transaction items could be encrypted, each of which to be stored with the associated cryptographic signature, requiring miners to verify the signature while allowing only those who have the corresponding private key for the transaction items to see the content.

Self regulation: A self-regulatory mechanism that adjusts the difficulty level of the Proof-of-Work in accordance with network load would help stabilize the digital currency. For example, in the event of a significant plunge, Bitcoin would impose self-regulatory reduction in the PoW difficulty requirement to temporarily make mining more rewarding that helped dampen the fall.

Currency supply: In a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, issuance of the mining reward by the network is essentially how the digital coins are “minted”. To keep inflation rate under control as the currency supply increases, the rate of coin minting must be proportionately regulated over time. Bitcoin has a periodic “halfing” mechanism that reduces the mining reward by half for every 210,000 blocks added to the blockchain and will cease producing new coins once the total supply reaches 21 million coins.

Blockchain versioning: Versioning of the blockchain would make it possible for future feature enhancement, algorithmic changes or security fix by means of a fork, akin to Bitcoin’s soft/hard forks, without having to discard the old system.

User Interface: The existing application focuses mainly on how to operate a blockchain network, thus supplementing it with, say, a Web-based user interface (e.g. using Akka HTTP/Play framework) for miners to participate mining would certainly make it a more user-friendly system.

Sample console log: running on 3 cluster nodes

Running the application and examining its output from the console log would reveal how multiple miners, each on a separate cluster node, “collaboratively” compete for growing a blockchain with a consensual algorithm. In particular, pay attention to:

  • attempts by individual miners to succeed or fail in building new blocks due to timeout by the Proof-of-Work routine
  • miners’ requests for adding new blocks to their blockchain rejected by their occupied mining actor
  • how the individual copies of the blockchain possessed by the miners “evolve” by accepting the first successfully expanded blockchain done by themselves or their peers
  • the number of trials in Proof-of-Work for a given block (i.e. displayed as BLK()) as its rightmost argument (e.g. BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128); for more details about how the mining of blockchain works, please see this blog post)
  • how Akka cluster nodes switch their “leader” upon detecting failure (due to termination by users, network crashes, etc)

Below is sample output of running the blockchain application with default configuration on 3 cluster nodes.

### Console Log: CLUSTER NODE #1

$ sbt "runMain akkablockchain.Main 2551 src/main/resources/keys/account0_public.pem" 
[info] running akkablockchain.Main 2551 src/main/resources/keys/account0_public.pem
11:04:00.948 [] INFO akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
SLF4J: A number (1) of logging calls during the initialization phase have been intercepted and are
SLF4J: now being replayed. These are subject to the filtering rules of the underlying logging system.
SLF4J: See also
11:04:01.309 [] INFO akka.remote.artery.tcp.ArteryTcpTransport - Remoting started with transport [Artery tcp]; listening on address [akka://blockchain@] with UID [5401420401358518049]
11:04:01.337 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Starting up, Akka version [2.6.13] ...
11:04:01.461 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Registered cluster JMX MBean [akka:type=Cluster]
11:04:01.462 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Started up successfully
11:04:01.486 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - No downing-provider-class configured, manual cluster downing required, see
11:04:01.831 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] idle: Got$TaskHolder@540fe169
11:04:01.833 [] DEBUG$ - Starting up pub-sub topic [new-transactions] for messages of type [$Req]
11:04:01.836 [] DEBUG$ - Starting up pub-sub topic [new-block] for messages of type [$Req]
11:04:01.848 [] DEBUG$ - Local subscriber [Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer#715764424]] added, went from no subscribers to one, subscribing to receptionist
11:04:01.848 [] DEBUG$ - Local subscriber [Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer#715764424]] added, went from no subscribers to one, subscribing to receptionis
11:04:01.879 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Actor was registered: [ServiceKey[$Command](new-block)] [akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#-497024677 @ 5401420401358518049]
11:04:01.882 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set()]
11:04:01.883 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Actor was registered: [ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions)] [akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2092003166 @ 5401420401358518049]
11:04:01.884 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set()]
11:04:01.957 [] WARN - [outbound connection to [akka://blockchain@], control stream] Upstream failed, cause: StreamTcpException: Tcp command [Connect(,None,List(),Some(5000 milliseconds),true)] failed because of Connection refused
11:04:01.958 [] WARN - [outbound connection to [akka://blockchain@], message stream] Upstream failed, cause: StreamTcpException: Tcp command [Connect(,None,List(),Some(5000 milliseconds),true)] failed because of Connection refused
11:04:02.382 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#-497024677 @ 5401420401358518049), ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2092003166 @ 5401420401358518049))], changes: [(new-block,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#-497024677 @ 5401420401358518049]), (new-transactions,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2092003166 @ 5401420401358518049])], tombstones []
11:04:02.385 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2092003166])]
11:04:02.385 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#-497024677])]
11:04:02.860 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(5c75, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:04:02) to Blockchainer.
11:04:02.865 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(5c75, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:04:02) is published.
11:04:02.869 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(5c75, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:04:02) to transaction queue.
11:04:06.603 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Node [akka://blockchain@] is JOINING itself (with roles [dc-default], version [0.0.0]) and forming new cluster
11:04:06.604 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - is the new leader among reachable nodes (more leaders may exist)
11:04:06.611 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Leader is moving node [akka://blockchain@] to [Up]
<<<--- Cluster seed node #1, bound to port# 2551, is up
11:04:17.853 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(fab1, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:04:17) to Blockchainer.
11:04:17.854 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(fab1, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:04:17) is published.
11:04:17.855 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(fab1, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:04:17) to transaction queue.
11:04:21.638 [] WARN akka.remote.artery.Association - Outbound control stream to [akka://blockchain@] failed. Restarting it. akka.remote.artery.OutboundHandshake$HandshakeTimeoutException: Handshake with [akka://blockchain@] did not complete within 20000 ms
11:04:31.870 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 16000 millis
11:04:31.870 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:04:31.872 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(5c75, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:04:02), T(fab1, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:04:17))
11:04:31.875 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:04:32.859 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(5f17, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:04:32) to Blockchainer.
11:04:32.860 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(5f17, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:04:32) is published.
11:04:32.861 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(5f17, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:04:32) to transaction queue.
11:04:47.867 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(9462, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:04:47) to Blockchainer.
11:04:47.868 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(9462, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:04:47) is published.
11:04:47.868 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(9462, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:04:47) to transaction queue.
11:04:47.922 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 26000 millis
11:04:47.923 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:04:47.925 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(fab1, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:04:17), T(5f17, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:04:32), T(9462, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:04:47))
11:04:47.925 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:05:00.185 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:05:00.191 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:05:00.192 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:05:00.463 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Received InitJoin message from [Actor[akka://blockchain@]] to [akka://blockchain@]
11:05:00.463 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Sending InitJoinAck message from node [akka://blockchain@] to [Actor[akka://blockchain@]] (version [2.6.13])
11:05:00.566 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Node [akka://blockchain@] is JOINING, roles [dc-default], version [0.0.0]
11:05:00.569 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node added [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,-3750460307660254480)]
11:05:00.658 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Leader is moving node [akka://blockchain@] to [Up]
<<<--- Seed node #2, bound to port# 2552, joined the cluster
11:05:01.159 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2092003166 @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480), ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#-497024677 @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480))], changes: [(new-block,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#-497024677 @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480]), (new-transactions,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2092003166 @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480])], tombstones []
11:05:01.160 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#-497024677], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:05:01.160 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2092003166], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:05:02.871 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(ac20, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:02) to Blockchainer.
11:05:02.871 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(ac20, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:02) is published.
11:05:02.872 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(ac20, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:02) to transaction queue.
11:05:03.284 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03) to transaction queue.
11:05:13.981 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 25000 millis
11:05:13.981 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:05:13.982 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(5f17, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:04:32), T(9462, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:04:47), T(ac20, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:02), T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03))
11:05:13.982 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:05:15.739 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:05:15.741 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:05:15.741 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:05:17.871 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17) to Blockchainer.
11:05:17.872 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17) is published.
11:05:17.872 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17) to transaction queue.
11:05:18.265 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18) to transaction queue.
11:05:32.879 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32) to Blockchainer.
11:05:32.880 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32) is published.
11:05:32.880 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32) to transaction queue.
11:05:33.285 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33) to transaction queue.
11:05:39.038 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 25000 millis
11:05:39.038 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:05:39.040 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(9462, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:04:47), T(ac20, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:02), T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03), T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17), T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18), T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32), T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33))
11:05:39.041 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:05:41.914 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:05:41.916 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:05:41.917 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:05:44.516 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Received InitJoin message from [Actor[akka://blockchain@]] to [akka://blockchain@]
11:05:44.516 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Sending InitJoinAck message from node [akka://blockchain@] to [Actor[akka://blockchain@]] (version [2.6.13])
11:05:44.603 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Node [akka://blockchain@] is JOINING, roles [dc-default], version [0.0.0]
11:05:44.604 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node added [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5558056305511553349)]
11:05:45.372 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#-497024677 @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349), ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2092003166 @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349))], changes: [(new-transactions,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2092003166 @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349]), (new-block,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#-497024677 @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349])], tombstones []
11:05:45.373 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2092003166], Actor[akka://blockchain@], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:05:45.374 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#-497024677], Actor[akka://blockchain@], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:05:45.550 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Leader is moving node [akka://blockchain@] to [Up]
<<<--- Node #3, bound to port# 2553, joined the cluster
11:05:47.394 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47) to transaction queue.
11:05:47.882 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47) to Blockchainer.
11:05:47.882 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47) is published.
11:05:47.883 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47) to transaction queue.
11:05:48.284 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48) to transaction queue.
11:05:53.530 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:05:53.530 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:02.371 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02) to transaction queue.
11:06:02.887 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02) to Blockchainer.
11:06:02.887 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02) is published.
11:06:02.892 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02) to transaction queue.
11:06:03.290 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03) to transaction queue.
11:06:04.097 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 22000 millis
11:06:04.097 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:06:04.098 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(ac20, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:02), T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03), T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17), T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18), T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32), T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33), T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03))
11:06:04.099 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:06:12.466 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:12.466 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:17.029 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:17.029 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:17.372 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17) to transaction queue.
11:06:17.893 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17) to Blockchainer.
11:06:17.894 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17) is published.
11:06:17.895 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17) to transaction queue.
11:06:18.291 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18) to transaction queue.
11:06:24.093 [] ERROR - [Req.Mining] ERROR: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Ask timed out on [Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/miner#-450328640]] after [20000 ms]. Message of type [$Mine]. A typical reason for `AskTimeoutException` is that the recipient actor didn't send a reply.
11:06:24.094 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:06:26.153 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 14000 millis
11:06:26.153 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:06:26.154 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03), T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17), T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18), T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32), T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33), T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18))
11:06:26.155 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:06:32.378 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32) to transaction queue.
11:06:32.899 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32) to Blockchainer.
11:06:32.900 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32) is published.
11:06:32.900 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32) to transaction queue.
11:06:33.295 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33) to transaction queue.
11:06:35.314 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:35.314 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:37.938 [] WARN - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(7V0m, T(69d4, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:06:32, 3, 7774969) isn’t longer than existing blockchain! Blockchain not updated.
11:06:37.938 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:40.177 [] ERROR - [Mining] Miner.Mine(BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378), T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03)) received but is busy!
11:06:40.208 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 21000 millis
11:06:40.208 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:06:40.209 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17), T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18), T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32), T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33), T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18), T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33))
11:06:40.209 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378), BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:06:43.637 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:06:43.638 [] ERROR - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] ERROR: BLK(jy21, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:26, 3, 24589944) is invalid!
11:06:43.638 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
<<<--- User terminated program on the node (seed node #1)
[warn] Canceling execution...
Cancelled: runMain akkablockchain.Main 2551 src/main/resources/keys/account0_public.pem
[error] Cancelled: runMain akkablockchain.Main 2551 src/main/resources/keys/account0_public.pem
[error] Use 'last' for the full log.
11:06:46.552 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Marked address [akka://blockchain@] as [Leaving]
11:06:46.770 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Leader is moving node [akka://blockchain@] to [Exiting]
11:06:46.772 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Exiting completed
11:06:46.777 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Shutting down...
11:06:46.780 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Successfully shut down
11:06:46.787 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - terminated/removed
11:06:46.791 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - Cancel all timers
11:06:46.795 [] INFO - Message [akka.cluster.GossipEnvelope] from Actor[akka://blockchain@] to Actor[akka://blockchain/system/cluster/core/daemon#-236218873] was not delivered. [1] dead letters encountered. If this is not an expected behavior then Actor[akka://blockchain/system/cluster/core/daemon#-236218873] may have terminated unexpectedly. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
11:06:46.799 [] INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Shutting down remote daemon.
11:06:46.801 [] INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remote daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports.
11:06:46.841 [] WARN - [outbound connection to [akka://blockchain@], message stream] Upstream failed, cause: StreamTcpException: The connection has been aborted
11:06:46.841 [] WARN - [outbound connection to [akka://blockchain@], control stream] Upstream failed, cause: StreamTcpException: The connection has been aborted
11:06:46.845 [] WARN - [outbound connection to [akka://blockchain@], control stream] Upstream failed, cause: StreamTcpException: The connection has been aborted
11:06:46.846 [] WARN - [outbound connection to [akka://blockchain@], message stream] Upstream failed, cause: StreamTcpException: The connection has been aborted
11:06:46.858 [] INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remoting shut down.
### Console Log: CLUSTER NODE #2

$ sbt "runMain akkablockchain.Main 2552 src/main/resources/keys/account1_public.pem"
[info] running akkablockchain.Main 2552 src/main/resources/keys/account1_public.pem
11:04:59.389 [] INFO akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
SLF4J: A number (1) of logging calls during the initialization phase have been intercepted and are
SLF4J: now being replayed. These are subject to the filtering rules of the underlying logging system.
SLF4J: See also
11:04:59.735 [] INFO akka.remote.artery.tcp.ArteryTcpTransport - Remoting started with transport [Artery tcp]; listening on address [akka://blockchain@] with UID [-3750460307660254480]
11:04:59.762 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Starting up, Akka version [2.6.13] ...
11:04:59.892 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Registered cluster JMX MBean [akka:type=Cluster]
11:04:59.892 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Started up successfully
<<<--- Seed node #2, bound to port# 2552, joined the cluster
11:04:59.918 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - No downing-provider-class configured, manual cluster downing required, see
11:05:00.243 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] idle: Got$TaskHolder@637a1375
11:05:00.248 [] DEBUG$ - Starting up pub-sub topic [new-transactions] for messages of type [$Req]
11:05:00.248 [] DEBUG$ - Starting up pub-sub topic [new-block] for messages of type [$Req]
11:05:00.257 [] DEBUG$ - Local subscriber [Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer#-359491379]] added, went from no subscribers to one, subscribing to receptionist
11:05:00.257 [] DEBUG$ - Local subscriber [Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer#-359491379]] added, went from no subscribers to one, subscribing to receptionist
11:05:00.276 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Actor was registered: [ServiceKey[$Command](new-block)] [akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480]
11:05:00.279 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set()]
11:05:00.279 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set()]
11:05:00.280 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Actor was registered: [ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions)] [akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480]
11:05:00.541 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Received InitJoinAck message from [Actor[akka://blockchain@]] to [akka://blockchain@]
11:05:00.625 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Welcome from [akka://blockchain@]
11:05:00.637 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node added [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5401420401358518049)]
11:05:00.786 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480), ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480))], changes: [(new-block,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480]), (new-transactions,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480])], tombstones []
11:05:00.787 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180])]
11:05:00.788 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065])]
11:05:02.342 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049), ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049))], changes: [(new-block,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049]), (new-transactions,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049])], tombstones []
11:05:02.343 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:05:02.343 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:05:02.913 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(ac20, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:02) to transaction queue.
11:05:03.270 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03) to Blockchainer.
11:05:03.272 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03) is published.
11:05:03.273 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03) to transaction queue.
11:05:15.772 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:05:15.773 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:05:17.875 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17) to transaction queue.
11:05:18.260 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18) to Blockchainer.
11:05:18.261 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18) is published.
11:05:18.262 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18) to transaction queue.
11:05:30.283 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 15000 millis
11:05:30.284 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:05:30.285 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(ac20, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:02), T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03), T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17), T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18))
11:05:30.286 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:05:32.882 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32) to transaction queue.
11:05:33.276 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33) to Blockchainer.
11:05:33.279 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33) is published.
11:05:33.281 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33) to transaction queue.
11:05:41.922 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:05:41.922 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:05:44.516 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Received InitJoin message from [Actor[akka://blockchain@]] to [akka://blockchain@]
11:05:44.516 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Sending InitJoinAck message from node [akka://blockchain@] to [Actor[akka://blockchain@]] (version [2.6.13])
11:05:44.760 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node added [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5558056305511553349)]
11:05:44.997 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349), ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349))], changes: [(new-block,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349]), (new-transactions,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349])], tombstones []
11:05:44.998 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180], Actor[akka://blockchain@], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:05:44.998 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065], Actor[akka://blockchain@], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:05:45.335 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 14000 millis
11:05:45.335 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:05:45.336 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(7634, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:03), T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17), T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18), T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32), T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33))
11:05:45.337 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:05:47.394 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47) to transaction queue.
11:05:47.886 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47) to transaction queue.
11:05:48.280 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48) to Blockchainer.
11:05:48.280 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48) is published.
11:05:48.281 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48) to transaction queue.
11:05:53.520 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:05:53.522 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:05:53.522 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:05:59.390 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 15000 millis
11:05:59.391 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:05:59.392 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(a545, 2500/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:17), T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18), T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32), T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33), T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48))
11:05:59.392 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:06:02.372 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02) to transaction queue.
11:06:02.891 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02) to transaction queue.
11:06:03.284 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03) to Blockchainer.
11:06:03.285 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03) is published.
11:06:03.286 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03) to transaction queue.
11:06:12.455 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:06:12.457 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:12.458 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:14.443 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 17000 millis
11:06:14.444 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:06:14.445 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(6e8e, 6500/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:18), T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32), T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33), T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03))
11:06:14.446 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:06:17.019 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:06:17.021 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:17.022 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:17.372 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17) to transaction queue.
11:06:17.896 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17) to transaction queue.
11:06:18.288 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18) to Blockchainer.
11:06:18.289 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18) is published.
11:06:18.289 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18) to transaction queue.
11:06:31.500 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 17000 millis
11:06:31.500 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:06:31.501 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(862f, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:32), T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33), T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18))
11:06:31.503 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:06:32.378 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32) to transaction queue.
11:06:32.902 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32) to transaction queue.
11:06:33.292 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33) to Blockchainer.
11:06:33.292 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33) is published.
11:06:33.293 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33) to transaction queue.
11:06:35.305 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:06:35.307 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:35.307 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:37.940 [] WARN - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(7V0m, T(69d4, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:06:32, 3, 7774969) isn’t longer than existing blockchain! Blockchain not updated.
11:06:37.941 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:43.645 [] ERROR - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] ERROR: BLK(jy21, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:26, 3, 24589944) is invalid!
11:06:43.645 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:46.783 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Exiting confirmed [akka://blockchain@]
11:06:46.986 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - is the new leader among reachable nodes (more leaders may exist)
<<<-- Marked seed note #1 as `exiting confirmed` and made itself (seed node #2) the new cluster `leader`
11:06:47.379 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47) to transaction queue.
11:06:47.827 [] INFO akka.remote.artery.Association - Association to [akka://blockchain@] having UID [5401420401358518049] has been stopped. All messages to this UID will be delivered to dead letters. Reason: ActorSystem terminated
11:06:48.017 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Leader is removing confirmed Exiting node [akka://blockchain@]
11:06:48.021 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node with registered services removed [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5401420401358518049)]
11:06:48.021 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Leader node observed removed node [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5401420401358518049)]
11:06:48.021 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:06:48.021 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:06:48.026 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node(s) removed [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5401420401358518049)], updating registry removing entries: [new-block -> [akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049],new-transactions -> [akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049]]
11:06:48.295 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48) to Blockchainer.
11:06:48.296 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48) is published.
11:06:48.296 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48) to transaction queue.
11:06:48.456 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480), ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480))], changes: [(new-block,[akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480]), (new-transactions,[akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480])], tombstones []
11:06:48.457 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain@], Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180])]
11:06:48.457 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain@], Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065])]
11:06:48.556 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 21000 millis
11:06:48.557 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:06:48.557 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(a81d, 7000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:33), T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18), T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33), T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47), T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48))
11:06:48.558 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378), BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:06:59.444 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(AsCZ, T(0060, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:51, 3, 12440412) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:59.444 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:07:02.385 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(130f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:02) to transaction queue.
11:07:03.301 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(6179, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:03) to Blockchainer.
11:07:03.302 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(6179, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:03) is published.
11:07:03.303 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(6179, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:03) to transaction queue.
11:07:08.552 [] ERROR - [Req.Mining] ERROR: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Ask timed out on [Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/miner#395585846]] after [20000 ms]. Message of type [$Mine]. A typical reason for `AskTimeoutException` is that the recipient actor didn't send a reply.
11:07:08.552 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:07:09.612 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 20000 millis
11:07:09.613 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:07:09.614 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18), T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33), T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47), T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48), T(130f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:02), T(6179, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:03))
11:07:09.614 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(AsCZ, T(0060, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:51, 3, 12440412), BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378), BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:07:11.411 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(G7b0, T(bca5, 4099/4), 2021-05-11 18:07:06, 3, 7482632) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:07:11.411 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:07:11.433 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:07:11.435 [] WARN - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(WzL+, T(a81d, 7099/4), 2021-05-11 18:07:09, 3, 2734351) isn’t longer than existing blockchain! Blockchain not updated.
11:07:11.436 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:07:17.391 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(3ecc, 3000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:17) to transaction queue.
11:07:18.306 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(6d51, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:18) to Blockchainer.
11:07:18.306 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(6d51, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:18) is published.
11:07:18.307 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(6d51, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:18) to transaction queue.
11:07:29.670 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 24000 millis
11:07:29.670 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:07:29.671 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18), T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33), T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47), T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48), T(130f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:02), T(6179, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:03), T(3ecc, 3000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:17), T(6d51, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:18))
11:07:29.672 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(G7b0, T(bca5, 4099/4), 2021-05-11 18:07:06, 3, 7482632), BLK(AsCZ, T(0060, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:51, 3, 12440412), BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378), BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:07:32.394 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(4684, 5000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:32) to transaction queue.
11:07:33.309 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(f1fe, 1500/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:33) to Blockchainer.
11:07:33.310 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(f1fe, 1500/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:33) is published.
11:07:33.311 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(f1fe, 1500/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:33) to transaction queue.
11:07:33.911 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Leader is moving node [akka://blockchain@] to [Exiting]
<<<--- Marked node #3 as `exiting`
11:07:33.928 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Exiting confirmed [akka://blockchain@]
11:07:34.930 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Leader is removing confirmed Exiting node [akka://blockchain@]
11:07:34.931 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node with registered services removed [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5558056305511553349)]
11:07:34.931 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Leader node observed removed node [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5558056305511553349)]
11:07:34.931 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065])]
11:07:34.931 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180])]
11:07:34.932 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node(s) removed [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5558056305511553349)], updating registry removing entries: [new-block -> [akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349],new-transactions -> [akka://blockchain@ @ 5558056305511553349]]
11:07:34.961 [] INFO akka.remote.artery.Association - Association to [akka://blockchain@] having UID [5558056305511553349] has been stopped. All messages to this UID will be delivered to dead letters. Reason: ActorSystem terminated
11:07:35.270 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480), ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480))], changes: [(new-block,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180 @ -3750460307660254480]), (new-transactions,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065 @ -3750460307660254480])], tombstones []
11:07:35.271 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-1565562065])]
11:07:35.271 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1064341180])]
11:07:46.075 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:07:46.077 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(LQ6u, T(69d4, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:07:29, 3, 24417860) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:07:46.077 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:07:48.317 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(1dc1, 7500/3, 2021-05-11 18:07:48) to Blockchainer.
11:07:48.318 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(1dc1, 7500/3, 2021-05-11 18:07:48) is published.
11:07:48.318 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(1dc1, 7500/3, 2021-05-11 18:07:48) to transaction queue.
11:07:53.726 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 21000 millis
11:07:53.726 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:07:53.727 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18), T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33), T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47), T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48), T(130f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:02), T(6179, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:03), T(3ecc, 3000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:17), T(6d51, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:18), T(4684, 5000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:32), T(f1fe, 1500/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:33), T(1dc1, 7500/3, 2021-05-11 18:07:48))
11:07:53.727 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(LQ6u, T(69d4, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:07:29, 3, 24417860), BLK(G7b0, T(bca5, 4099/4), 2021-05-11 18:07:06, 3, 7482632), BLK(AsCZ, T(0060, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:51, 3, 12440412), BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378), BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:08:03.321 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(d4e2, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:08:03) to Blockchainer.
11:08:03.322 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(d4e2, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:08:03) is published.
11:08:03.322 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(d4e2, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:08:03) to transaction queue.
<<<--- User terminated program on the node (seed node #2)
[warn] Canceling execution...
Cancelled: runMain akkablockchain.Main 2552 src/main/resources/keys/account1_public.pem
[error] Cancelled: runMain akkablockchain.Main 2552 src/main/resources/keys/account1_public.pem
[error] Use 'last' for the full log.
11:08:04.715 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Marked address [akka://blockchain@] as [Leaving]
11:08:05.535 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Leader is moving node [akka://blockchain@] to [Exiting]
11:08:05.535 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Exiting completed
11:08:05.537 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Shutting down...
11:08:05.539 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Successfully shut down
11:08:05.542 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - terminated/removed
11:08:05.546 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - Cancel all timers
11:08:05.556 [] INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Shutting down remote daemon.
11:08:05.558 [] INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remote daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports.
11:08:05.577 [] INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remoting shut down.
### Console Log: CLUSTER NODE #3

$ sbt "runMain akkablockchain.Main 2553 src/main/resources/keys/account2_public.pem"
[info] running akkablockchain.Main 2553 src/main/resources/keys/account2_public.pem
11:05:43.560 [] INFO akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
SLF4J: A number (1) of logging calls during the initialization phase have been intercepted and are
SLF4J: now being replayed. These are subject to the filtering rules of the underlying logging system.
SLF4J: See also
11:05:43.880 [] INFO akka.remote.artery.tcp.ArteryTcpTransport - Remoting started with transport [Artery tcp]; listening on address [akka://blockchain@] with UID [5558056305511553349]
11:05:43.903 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Starting up, Akka version [2.6.13] ...
11:05:44.013 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Registered cluster JMX MBean [akka:type=Cluster]
11:05:44.013 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Started up successfully
<<<--- Node #3, bound to port# 2553, joined the cluster
11:05:44.037 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - No downing-provider-class configured, manual cluster downing required, see
11:05:44.345 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] idle: Got$TaskHolder@5bbde918
11:05:44.349 [] DEBUG$ - Starting up pub-sub topic [new-transactions] for messages of type [$Req]
11:05:44.349 [] DEBUG$ - Starting up pub-sub topic [new-block] for messages of type [$Req]
11:05:44.368 [] DEBUG$ - Local subscriber [Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer#-13396684]] added, went from no subscribers to one, subscribing to receptionist
11:05:44.368 [] DEBUG$ - Local subscriber [Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer#-13396684]] added, went from no subscribers to one, subscribing to receptionis
11:05:44.386 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Actor was registered: [ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions)] [akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976 @ 5558056305511553349]
11:05:44.388 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set()]
11:05:44.388 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set()]
11:05:44.390 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Actor was registered: [ServiceKey[$Command](new-block)] [akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195 @ 5558056305511553349]
11:05:44.575 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Received InitJoinAck message from [Actor[akka://blockchain@]] to [akka://blockchain@]
11:05:44.628 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Welcome from [akka://blockchain@]
11:05:44.642 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node added [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5401420401358518049)]
11:05:44.644 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node added [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,-3750460307660254480)]
11:05:44.901 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976 @ 5558056305511553349), ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195 @ 5558056305511553349))], changes: [(new-transactions,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976 @ 5558056305511553349]), (new-block,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195 @ 5558056305511553349])], tombstones []
11:05:44.904 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976])]
11:05:44.904 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195])]
11:05:46.457 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195 @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480), ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976 @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480))], changes: [(new-transactions,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976 @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480]), (new-block,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195 @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain@ @ 5401420401358518049, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480])], tombstones []
11:05:46.458 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195], Actor[akka://blockchain@], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:05:46.458 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976], Actor[akka://blockchain@], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:05:47.367 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47) to Blockchainer.
11:05:47.372 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47) is published.
11:05:47.377 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47) to transaction queue.
11:05:47.892 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47) to transaction queue.
11:05:48.285 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48) to transaction queue.
11:05:53.552 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:05:53.552 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:02.366 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02) to Blockchainer.
11:06:02.367 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02) is published.
11:06:02.368 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02) to transaction queue.
11:06:02.891 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02) to transaction queue.
11:06:03.289 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03) to transaction queue.
11:06:12.467 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:12.468 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:14.378 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 18000 millis
11:06:14.378 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:06:14.379 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(69d4, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03))
11:06:14.380 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:06:17.030 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:17.030 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:17.369 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17) to Blockchainer.
11:06:17.369 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17) is published.
11:06:17.370 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17) to transaction queue.
11:06:17.897 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17) to transaction queue.
11:06:18.291 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18) to transaction queue.
11:06:32.374 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32) to Blockchainer.
11:06:32.375 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32) is published.
11:06:32.376 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32) to transaction queue.
11:06:32.432 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 19000 millis
11:06:32.432 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:06:32.433 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(0060, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:05:47), T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18), T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32))
11:06:32.434 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:06:32.902 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32) to transaction queue.
11:06:33.295 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33) to transaction queue.
11:06:35.315 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:35.316 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:37.926 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:06:37.928 [] WARN - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(7V0m, T(69d4, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:06:32, 3, 7774969) isn’t longer than existing blockchain! Blockchain not updated.
11:06:37.928 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:43.644 [] ERROR - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] ERROR: BLK(jy21, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:26, 3, 24589944) is invalid!
11:06:43.645 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:06:46.779 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Exiting confirmed [akka://blockchain@]
<<<-- Marked seed note #1 as `exiting confirmed`
11:06:47.376 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47) to Blockchainer.
11:06:47.377 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47) is published.
11:06:47.378 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47) to transaction queue.
11:06:47.829 [] INFO akka.remote.artery.Association - Association to [akka://blockchain@] having UID [5401420401358518049] has been stopped. All messages to this UID will be delivered to dead letters. Reason: ActorSystem terminated
11:06:48.039 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Node with registered services removed [UniqueAddress(akka://blockchain@,5401420401358518049)]
11:06:48.040 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:06:48.040 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:06:48.298 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48) to transaction queue.
11:06:48.357 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - Change from replicator: [Map(ServiceKey[$Command](new-transactions) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976 @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480), ServiceKey[$Command](new-block) -> Set(akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195 @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480))], changes: [(new-block,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195 @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480]), (new-transactions,[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976 @ 5558056305511553349, akka://blockchain@ @ -3750460307660254480])], tombstones []
11:06:48.357 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewBlock#1714452195], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:06:48.358 [] DEBUG$ - Topic list updated [Set(Actor[akka://blockchain/user/blockchainer/pubsubNewTransactions#-2035531976], Actor[akka://blockchain@])]
11:06:51.488 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 15000 millis
11:06:51.488 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:06:51.489 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(bca5, 4000/3, 2021-05-11 18:05:48), T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18), T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33), T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47), T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48)
11:06:51.490 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378), BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:06:59.436 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:06:59.438 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(AsCZ, T(0060, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:51, 3, 12440412) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:06:59.438 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:07:02.382 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(130f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:02) to Blockchainer.
11:07:02.383 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(130f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:02) is published.
11:07:02.383 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(130f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:02) to transaction queue.
11:07:03.304 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(6179, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:03) to transaction queue.
11:07:06.543 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 25000 millis
11:07:06.543 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:07:06.544 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(b137, 3500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18), T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33), T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47), T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48), T(130f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:02), T(6179, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:03))
11:07:06.545 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(AsCZ, T(0060, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:51, 3, 12440412), BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378), BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:07:11.405 [] INFO - [Mining] Miner.DoneMining received.
11:07:11.407 [] INFO - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(G7b0, T(bca5, 4099/4), 2021-05-11 18:07:06, 3, 7482632) is valid. Updating blockchain.
11:07:11.407 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:07:11.441 [] WARN - [Req.UpdateBlockchain] BLK(WzL+, T(a81d, 7099/4), 2021-05-11 18:07:09, 3, 2734351) isn’t longer than existing blockchain! Blockchain not updated.
11:07:11.441 [] INFO - [Validation] BlockInspector.DoneValidation received.
11:07:17.388 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(3ecc, 3000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:17) to Blockchainer.
11:07:17.388 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(3ecc, 3000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:17) is published.
11:07:17.389 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(3ecc, 3000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:17) to transaction queue.
11:07:18.308 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(6d51, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:18) to transaction queue.
11:07:31.601 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Start mining in 18000 millis
11:07:31.601 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Getting transaction queue and blockchain ...
11:07:31.602 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Transaction queue: Queue(T(3b6c, 5500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:02), T(36fa, 5500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:03), T(4919, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(a892, 4500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:17), T(45db, 2500/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:18), T(850c, 5000/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(bd5f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:06:32), T(72cc, 4500/3, 2021-05-11 18:06:33), T(0e7e, 1000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:47), T(3bfc, 2000/1, 2021-05-11 18:06:48), T(130f, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:02), T(6179, 4000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:03), T(3ecc, 3000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:17), T(6d51, 3000/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:18))
11:07:31.603 [] INFO - [MiningLoop] Blockchain: List(BLK(G7b0, T(bca5, 4099/4), 2021-05-11 18:07:06, 3, 7482632), BLK(AsCZ, T(0060, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:51, 3, 12440412), BLK(Y0IY, T(6e8e, 6599/4), 2021-05-11 18:06:31, 3, 5286378), BLK(J3qW, T(a545, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:06:14, 3, 3742357), BLK(4+uU, T(7634, 5099/4), 2021-05-11 18:05:59, 3, 19435119), BLK(en8Q, T(ac20, 2599/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:45, 3, 11826567), BLK(0T/f, T(5f17, 2099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:39, 3, 2673242), BLK(p98k, T(fab1, 3099/2), 2021-05-11 18:05:13, 3, 2771128), BLK(kyHx, T(5c75, 4599/3), 2021-05-11 18:04:47, 3, 14448435), BLK(XF1C, T(----, 0/0), 1970-01-01 00:00:00, 0, 0))
11:07:32.392 [] INFO - [TransactionFeeder] Submitting T(4684, 5000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:32) to Blockchainer.
11:07:32.392 [] INFO - [Req.SubmitTransactions] T(4684, 5000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:32) is published.
11:07:32.393 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(4684, 5000/2, 2021-05-11 18:07:32) to transaction queue.
<<<--- User terminated program on the node (node #3)
[warn] Canceling execution...
Cancelled: runMain akkablockchain.Main 2553 src/main/resources/keys/account2_public.pem
[error] Cancelled: runMain akkablockchain.Main 2553 src/main/resources/keys/account2_public.pem
[error] Use 'last' for the full log.
11:07:33.315 [] INFO - [Req.AddTransactions] Appended T(f1fe, 1500/1, 2021-05-11 18:07:33) to transaction queue.
11:07:33.571 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Marked address [akka://blockchain@] as [Leaving]
11:07:33.924 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Exiting completed
11:07:33.926 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Shutting down...
11:07:33.927 [] INFO akka.cluster.Cluster - Cluster Node [akka://blockchain@] - Successfully shut down
11:07:33.930 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - ClusterReceptionist [akka://blockchain@] - terminated/removed
11:07:33.934 [] DEBUG akka.cluster.typed.internal.receptionist.ClusterReceptionist - Cancel all timers
11:07:33.938 [] INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Shutting down remote daemon.
11:07:33.940 [] INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remote daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports.
11:07:34.970 [] WARN - [outbound connection to [akka://blockchain@], control stream] Upstream failed, cause: StreamTcpException: The connection has been aborted
11:07:34.970 [] WARN - [outbound connection to [akka://blockchain@], message stream] Upstream failed, cause: StreamTcpException: The connection has been aborted
11:07:34.990 [] INFO akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator - Remoting shut down.