Monthly Archives: August 2022

Scala Binary Search Tree

When I wrote about Scala linked list implementation a couple of years ago, I also did some quick ground work for implementing binary search trees (BST). Occupied by other R&D projects at the time, it was put aside and has since been patiently awaiting its turn to see the light of day. As much of the code is already there, I’m going to put it up in this blog post along with some narrative remarks.

First, we come up with an ADT (algebraic data type). Let’s call it BSTree, starting out with a base trait with generic type A for the data element to be stored inside the tree structure, to be extended by a case class BSBranch as tree branches and a case object BSLeaf as “null” tree nodes. The ADT’s overall structure resembles that of the one used in the linked list implementation described in the old post.


A few notes:

  • Data elements (of generic type A) are stored only in branches and data of the same value will go to the same branch and be represented with a proper count value.
  • BSTree is covariant, or else BSLeaf can’t even be defined as a sub-type of BSTree[Nothing].
  • A toString method is created for simplified string output of a tree instance.

Populating a BSTree

One of the first things we need is a method to insert tree nodes into an existing BSTree. We start expanding the base trait with method insert(). That’s all great for adding a node one at a time, but we also need a way to create a BSTree and populate it from a readily available collection of data elements. It makes sense to delegate such a factory method to the companion object BSTree as its method apply().

Note that type parameter B for insert() needs to be a supertype of A because Function1 is contravariant over its parameter type. In addition, the context bound “B : Ordering” constrains type B to be capable of being ordered (i.e. compared) which is necessary for traversing a binary search tree.

Testing BSTree.apply():

Tree traversal and finding tree nodes

Next, we need methods for tree traversal and search. For brevity, we only include in-order traversal.

Using the tree created above:

Removing tree nodes

To be able to remove tree nodes that consist of a specific or range of element values, we include also the following few methods in the base trait.

Note that delete() may involve a little shuffling of the tree nodes. Once the tree node to be removed is located, that node may need to be filled with the node having the next-bigger element & count values from its right node (or equivalently, the node having the next-smaller element from its left node).

Method trim() removes tree nodes with element values below or above the provided range. Meanwhile, method cutOut() does the opposite by cutting out tree nodes with values within the given range. It involves slightly more work than trim(), requiring the use of delete() for individual tree nodes.


Rebuilding a binary search tree

A highly unbalanced binary search tree beats the purpose of using such a data structure. One of the most straight forward ways to rebuild a binary search tree is to “unpack” the individual tree nodes of the existing tree by traversing in-order into a list (e.g. a Vector or List) of elements, followed by reconstructing a new tree with nodes being assigned elements from recursively half-ing the in-order node list.


Thoughts on the ADT

An alternative to how the ADT is designed is to have the class fields and methods declared in the BSTree base trait with specific implementations reside within subclasses BSBranch and BSLeaf, thus eliminating the need of the boiler-plate pattern matching for the subclasses. There is also the benefit of making class fields like left & right referenceable from the base trait, though they would need to be wrapped in Options with value None for BSLeaf.

As can be seen with the existing ADT, an advantage is having all the binary tree functions defined within the base trait once and for all. If there is the need for having left and right referenceable from the BSTree base trait, one can define something like below within the trait.


Then there is also non-idiomatic approach of using mutable class fields in a single tree class commonly seen in Java implementation, like below:

Addendum: Complete source code of the BSTree ADT