Transaction Hash Tree In A Blockchain

I’m starting a mini blog series that centers around the Blockchain topic. At the end of the series will be a simple blockchain application in Scala on an Actor-based Akka cluster. The application will in some way follow a simplified version of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency’s operational model, including its proof-of-work consensus algorithm.

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Some quick background info about blockchain – In 2009, Bitcoin emerged as the first decentralized cryptocurrency and took the world by storm. Besides proving to the world the possibility of running a digital currency without the need of a centralized authority, it has also fascinated people (particularly in the finance and technology industries) with its simple yet effective operational model.

Cryptocurrency has also popularized the term “blockchain” which represents its underlying data structure and has since been broadened to a computing class that covers a wide range of applications (e.g. “smart contracts”) in different domains. Even though conceptually how a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin works isn’t complicated, it does require some basic knowledge in cryptography, particularly in PKCS (public key cryptography standards).

Utility functions

First, a few utility functions:

Hashing is a critical process for integrity check in blockchain’s underlying data structure. We’ll use SHA-256, which has a function signature of Array[Byte] => Array[Byte]. We’ll also need some minimal cryptographic functions for creating public keys that serve as IDs for user accounts.

Basic cryptography

To load Base64 public keys from the key files commonly in PKCS#8 PEM format on a file system, we use Bouncy Castle and Apache Commons Codec. As a side note, neither of the additional packages would be needed if the key files were in PKCS#8 DER format, which is binary and less commonly used.

Transactions in a Blockchain

With some basic utility and crypto functions in place, we now create class Account, which represents a user (e.g. a transaction originator or a miner) with the user’s cryptographic public key as the account ID. The corresponding private key, supposedly kept in private by the user, is for decrypting a transaction encrypted with the key. In our simplified model, the transactions won’t be encrypted hence private keys won’t be used.

Next, we create class TransactionItem that represents a single transaction.

The id of TransactionItem is the hash value of the concatenated class fields in bytes. Note that the apply factory method performs the necessary hashing of the provided arguments to assemble a TransactionItem with the hash-value ID.

Next, we define class Transactions, representing a collection of TransactionItems. The id of Transactions is just a random-UUID. It could’ve been defined as a collective hash value like TransactionItem’s id to ensure content integrity but we’re going to leave that to be taken care in a hash-tree data structure, the Merkle Tree.

For illustration, we create a method that instantiates a Transactions object consisting of a random number of TransactionItems, each with a pair of random Accounts and a random amount (remember each Account needs a public key as its id).

Generating a couple of Transactions objects with random content:

Hashing transactions into a Merkle tree

Merkle trees (or hash trees) are commonly used in blockchain computing. The main purpose of using a hash tree is to guarantee the authenticity of the contents in the dataset by successively composing their hashes in a hard-to-tamper fashion while keeping the resulting data structure relatively lightweight.

In a previous blog post re: Merkle tree implementation in Scala, we saw how a hash tree can be created from a collection of dataset. Even though the transaction collection data structure is now slightly more complex than the trivial example in the previous post, there is no added complexity in creating the hash tree. Borrowing a slight variant of the Merkle tree class from that post:

Using MerkleTree’s apply factory method, we simply supply transactions objects we’ve created as the method argument:

For transaction collection trans1, Merkle root mRoot1 is all that is needed to ensure its integrity. So is mRoot2 for trans2. For a given collection of transactions, the recursive hashing of the transaction items in the tree nodes all the way to the root node makes it mathematically difficult to tamper with the transaction content. The Merkle root along with the associated transaction collection will be kept in an immutable “block”.

While the term “blockchain” has been used ad libitum throughout the post, we have not seen anything remotely resembling a “block” yet, have we? So far, we’ve only put in place some simple data structures along with a few utility/crypto functions. Nonetheless, they’re the essential elements for the building “block” of a blockchain, which we’ll dig into in the next post of this blog series.

3 thoughts on “Transaction Hash Tree In A Blockchain

  1. Pingback: An Akka Actor-based Blockchain | Genuine Blog

  2. Pingback: Blockchain Mining And Proof-of-Work | Genuine Blog

  3. Pingback: Actor-based Blockchain In Akka Typed | Genuine Blog

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