Akka Dynamic Pub-Sub Service

As shown in a previous blog post illustrating with a simple text mining application, Akka Stream provides a robust GraphDSL domain specific language for assembling stream graphs using a mix of fan-in/fan-out junctions. While GraphDSL is a great tool, the supported fan-in/fan-out components are limited to have a fixed number of inputs and outputs as all connections of the graph must be known and connected upfront.

To build a streaming service that allows new producers and consumers to be dynamically added, one would need to look outside of the GraphDSL. In this blog post, we’re going to look at how to build a dynamic publish-subscribe service.


Akka provides MergeHub that serves as a dynamic fan-in junction in the form of a Source to be attached to with a single consumer. Once materialized, multiple producers can be attached to the hub where elements coming from these producers are emitted in a first-comes-first-served fashion along with backpressure support.

MergeHub.source has the following method signature:



BroadcastHub, on the other hand, serves as a dynamic fan-out junction in the form of a Sink to be attached to with a single producer. Similarly, once materialized, multiple consumers can be attached to it, again, with backpressure support.

BroadcastHub.sink has the following method signature:


It should be cautioned that if the source has fewer elements than the bufferSize specified in BroadcastHub.sink, none of the elements will be consumed by the attached consumers. It took me a while to realize it’s fromProducer that “silently” consumes the elements when materialized before the attached consumers have a chance to consume them. That, to me, is really an undocumented “bug”. Using alsoToMat as shown below, one can uncover the seemingly “missing” elements in such case:

MergeHub + BroadcastHub

By connecting a MergeHub with a BroadcastHub, one can create a dynamic publish-subscribe “channel” in the form of a Flow via Flow.fromSinkAndSource:

Note that Keep.both in the above snippet produces a Tuple of materialized values (Sink[T, NotUsed], Source[T, NotUsed]) from MergeHub.source[T] and BroadcastHub.sink[T]. The pub-sub channel psChannel can be illustrated as follows:

Below is sample code for a simple pub-sub channel psChannel:

Serving as a pub-sub channel, the input of psChannel is published via psSink to all subscribers while its output streams through psSource all the elements published. For example:

Running psChannel as a Flow:

Note that each of the input elements for psChannel gets consumed by every consumer.

Other relevant topics that might be of interest include KillSwitch for stream completion control and PartitionHub for routing Stream elements from a given producer to a dynamic set of consumers.

2 thoughts on “Akka Dynamic Pub-Sub Service

  1. Pingback: Dynamic IoT Streams With Akka GRPC | Genuine Blog

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