Programming Exercise – Binary Tree

Like sorting algorithms, binary tree implementation is another good programming exercise. In particular, methods for traversing a tree, searching nodes in a binary search tree and many other binary tree operations form a great recipe for refreshing one’s programming skills. Appended is an implementation of a pretty comprehensive set of binary tree (and binary search tree) operations in Java.

Iterative and recursive methods for each of the operations are developed and grouped in two separate classes, BinTreeI and BinTreeR. In general, most operations are easier to be implemented using recursive methods. For instance, calculating tree height using iterative method is a rather non-trivial exercise whereas it’s almost an one-liner using recursion. Some of the operations such as searching and inserting a tree node are only applicable to binary search tree (BST), for which in-order tree traversal should be used. For generality, pre-order and post-order traversal methods are also included in the code.

Similar to the implementation of sorting algorithms in a previous blog, Java Generics and Comparable interface are used. If wanted, the underlying tree node could be further expanded to contain more complex node data such as map entries (e.g. with class type <Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value>, and Map.Entry<K,V> data). – binary tree node – base binary tree class – binary tree class using recursive methods – binary tree class using iterative methods – test application

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