Tag Archives: startup venture

Startup Culture 2.0

Startup has been a household term since the early/mid 90’s when the World Wide Web (now a nostalgic term) began to take the world by storm. Triggered by the popular graphical browser, Mosaic, the blossoming of the Web all of a sudden opened up all sorts of business opportunities, attracting entrepreneurs to try capitalize the newly born eye-catching medium.

A historically well known place for technology entrepreneurship, the Silicon Valley (or more precisely, San Francisco Bay Area) became an even hotter spot for entrepreneurs to swamp in. Many of these entrepreneurs were young energetic college graduates (or drop-outs) in some science/engineering disciplines who were well equipped to quickly learn and apply new things in the computing area. They generally had a fast-paced work style with a can-do spirit. Along with the youthful work-hard play-hard attitude, the so-called startup culture was born. Sun Microsystems was probably a great representative of companies embracing the very culture back in the dot-com era.

So, that was a brief history, admittedly unofficial, of the uprising of startup culture 1.0.

Setting up an open-space engineering room

Setting up an engineering workspace

Version 2.0

This isn’t another ex-dot-commer glorifying the good old startup culture in the dot-com days that later degenerated into a less commendable version observed today. Rather, it’s just my observation over recent years the gradual, subtle changes to the so-called startup culture.

Heading into startup culture 2.0 (an obviously arbitrary version number), besides an emphasis of fast-paced and can-do, along came a number of phenomenons including long hours, open-space and the Agile “movement”.

Long hours

In 1.0, we saw a lot of startup technologists voluntarily working long hours in the office. Glorified stories of techies literally camping in the office live on. Company management nowadays still believe (or want to believe) that software engineers working long hours is a signature of startup culture.

In reality, working long-hours is no longer a “voluntary” phenomenon, if it ever was. Why is that? I believe one of the reasons is that a good portion of the techies in startups today are veterans who prefer a work-life balance with a work schedule that focuses on productive hours rather than number of hours. Another reason is that working remote is now a more feasible solution due to improved Internet connectivity at home, thus diminishing the need to stay in the office for network access.

The fact is that serious software engineering requires serious brain-work. One can only deliver a certain number of hours of quality work on any given day in a productive manner. Forcing engineers to pull long hours in the office beyond the normal productive limit might just result in higher code quantity but lower code quality. Worse yet, genuine software engineering enthusiasts tend to contribute bonus work at some ad-hoc high-creativity moments outside of office hours, but the forced long hours will likely kill any stamina or incentive left to do so.

Flexibility in work hours and locale

Back in 1.0, general Internet connection speed was slow. It was common for a good-sized company with nationwide offices to share a T1 line as their Internet backbone, whereas today many residential consumers use connections at an order of magnitude faster than a T1. So, in order to carry out productive work back then, people had to go to the office, thus oftentimes you could find software engineers literally camping in the office.

Given the vastly improved residential Internet infrastructure today, much of the engineering work that used to be doable only in the office in the past can be done at home. So, if a software engineer already has regular office presence, there is little to no reason to work long hours in the office. In fact, other than pre-scheduled group meetings and white-boarding sessions, engineers really don’t have to stay in the office all the time, especially for those who have to endure bad commute.

Open office space

Open-plan office has been advocated since the middle of the 1.0 era. Common office cubes used to be 5-1/2 feet or taller in the old days. People later began to explore opening up a visually-cluttered office space by cutting down about a foot from the cube wall, allowing individuals to talk face to face when standing up while keeping some privacy when sitting down. Personally, I think that’s the optimal setting. But then in recent years, lots of startups adopted cubes with walls further lowered or completely removed, essentially enforcing a surround-sound “multicast” communication protocol all the time for individuals. In addition, the vast open view would also ensure constant visual distractions.

Bear in mind software engineers need good chunks of solitary time to conduct their coding work. Such a multicast plus visually distracting environment isn’t going to provide a productive environment for them. It’s understandable for a cash-strapped early-stage startup to adopt a temporary economical seating solution like that, but I’ve seen many well-funded companies building out such workspace as their long-term work environment.


Virtually every software engineering organization is practicing some sort of Agile process. I like certain core Agile practices like 2-week development sprint, daily 15-minute scrum, and continuous integration, which I think are applicable to many software development projects. But I’m against mechanically adopting everything advocated in the Agile methodology.

Which aspects of the Agile process are to be adopted for an engineering organization should be evaluated, carried out and adjusted in accordance with engineers skillset, project type and operation environment. The primary goal should be for efficiency and productivity, not because Agile sounds cool.

Insecurity and distrust?

With typically limited budget and tight timeline in mind, management tend to be nervous about whether their engineering hires deliver work as best as they could. Long hours in office would make believe that things are moving along at above the average speed. Open space further eases the anxiety through seeing-is-believing. And frequent sprints and daily scrums ensure maximum work output and microscopic measurement of individuals performance.

If those are the motives observed by the software engineers, most likely they won’t be happy and the most competent ones will be the first to flee. Nor will the management be happy when they don’t see the expected high productivity and find it hard to retain top engineers. The end result is that despite all the rally of fun, energetic startup culture on the company’s hiring web page, people hardly feel fun or energy there.

What can be done better?


  1. Give your staff benefit of doubt — It’s hard to let go of the doubt about whether people are working as hard as expected, but pushing for long hours in the office and keeping them visually exposed at their desks only send a signal of distrust and insecurity. By pushing for long hours in the office, management are in essence commodifying software engineering work to become some hourly-paid kind of mechanical work. It’ll only backfire and may just result in superficial punch-clock office attendance with low productivity. I would also recommend making the work hours as flexible as possible. On working remote, a pre-agreed arrangement of telecommuting would go a long way for those who must endure long commute. People with enough self-respect would appreciate demonstrated trust from the management and it would make them enjoy their job more, thus produce better work.
  2. Work healthy — Work hard and play hard is almost a synonym of startup culture that we believe fun is a critical aspect in a startup environment. But throwing in a ping pong or foosball table would not automatically spawn a fun environment. In building out a work environment, I would argue that “work healthy” perhaps should replace “fun” as the primary initiative. I think providing a healthy working environment will lead to happier staff, better productivity, and fun will come as a bonus. Common ways to achieve that include suitable office plan, ergonomic office furniture, natural lighting, facility for exercise, workout subsidy programs, healthy snacks, or even a room for taking naps. Speaking of naps, I think it’s worth serious consideration to embrace it as part of the culture. Evidently, a 15-30 minutes of nap after lunch can do magic in refreshing one’s mood and productivity for the remaining half of the day.
  3. Adopt Agile with agility — Take only what best suit your staff’s skillset, project type and operational environment. Stick to the primary goal of better productivity and efficiency, and add/remove Agile practices as needed. It’s also important that you regularly communicate with the staff for feedback and improvement, and make adaptive changes to the practices if necessary.
  4. Product development feedback — Despite all the development methodologies with fancy names, there is often a disconnect between actual engineering progress and product development plan. A common tactic is to assemble a unfulfillable aggressive development plan to try push for maximum engineering output. Unfortunately, such practice often results in disrespect to development timelines or inferior product quality with a ballooned overdue tech debt. A better approach would be to maintain an effective feedback loop that constantly provides data (including actual progress estimates, tech debt clearance needs, etc) between product and engineering staff. The feedback allows product development staff to proactively plan out future feature sets that engineers can more realistically commit to delivering.
  5. Lead by example — Too often do we see management handing down a set of rules to the staff while condescendingly assuming the rules don’t apply to themselves. It’s almost certain such rules will at best be followed superficially. Another commonly seen phenomenon is that management rally to create a culture which conflicts in many ways with their actual belief and style. They do it just because they were told they must create a culture to run a startup operation, but they ignore the fact that culture can only be built and fostered with themselves genuinely being a part of it. It cannot be fabricated.


  1. Honor the honor system — There may be various reasons contributing to the commonly seen distrust by the management. Unsurprisingly, one of them comes directly from individuals who abuse some of the employee benefits meant to be used on discretion. Perhaps the most common case is claiming the need for work-from-home with made-up reasons or without actually putting in the hours to work. Well, you can’t blame people’s distrust in you unless you first honor the honor system . For instance, when you do work from home, stick to the actual meaning of work-from-home. Also, making your availability known to those who need to work closely with you would be helpful. One effective way, especially for a relatively small team, would be to have a shared group calendar designated for showing up-to-date team members availability.
  2. Self discipline — Again, using work-from-home as an example, one needs to have the self-discipline to actually put in decent amount of hours to work. It’s easy to be distracted, for instance by your family members, when working at home, but it’s your own responsibility to make necessary arrangement to minimize any expected distractions. It’s also your obligation to make it clear to your teammates in advance when you will be unavailable for scheduled appointments or what-not.
  3. Reasonable work priority — For unplanned urgent family matters, no one will complain if you drop everything to take care of them. However, that doesn’t necessarily justify you should frequently compromise your attendance to work for all sorts of personal events, unless that’s a pre-agreed work schedule. Bottom line, if your career matters to you, you shouldn’t place your job responsibility way down your priority list from routine personal/family matters.
  4. Active participation — Most software engineers hate meetings, feeling that they consume too much of their time which could otherwise be used for actually building products. I think if the host and the participants are well-prepared for the meeting, it’ll successfully serve its purpose (e.g. information sharing, brainstorming, team building, etc) with minimum negative feeling. A unprepared participant attending a meeting carrying a feed-me mindset will likely feel the meeting time-wasting. With some preparation, chances are that you will be a lot more engaged in the discussion and be able to provide informed input. Such active participation can stimulate collective creativity and foster a culture of “best ideas win”.
  5. Keep upgrading yourself — This may sound off-topic, but keeping yourself abreast of knowledge and best-practices in the very area of your core job responsibilities does help shape the team culture. Constant self-improvement will naturally boost up one’s confidence in their own domain which, in turn, facilitates efficient knowledge exchange and stimulates healthy competition. All that helps promote a high-efficiency no-nonsense culture. The competitive aspect presents healthy challenge to individuals, as long as excessive egos don’t get in the way. As a side note on “upgrading”, between breath and depth I would always lean toward depth. These days it’s too easy to claim familiarity of all sorts of robust frameworks and libraries on the surface, but the most wanted technologists are often the ones who demonstrated in-depth knowledge, say, down to the code level of a software library.

Final thoughts

Startup culture 1.0 left us a signature work style many aspire to embrace. It has evolved over the years into a more contemporary 2.0 that better suits modern software development models in various changeable competitive spaces. But it’s important we don’t superficially take the surface values of all the hyped-up buzzwords and mechanically apply them. The various cultural aspects should be selectively adopted and adjusted in accordance with the team’s strength and weaknesses, project type, etc. More importantly, whatever embraced should never be driven by distrust or insecurity.

Adopting Node.js In The Core Tech Stack

At a startup company, DwellAware, I’ve been with recently, I was tasked to build a web-centric application with a backend for comprehensive data analytics in the residential real estate space. Nevertheless, this post is not about the startup venture. It’s about Node.js, the technology stack chosen to power the application. Programming platforms considered at the beginning of the venture include Scala/Play, PHP/Laravel, Python/Twisted, Ruby/Sinatra and Javascript/Node.js.

Neither is it a blog post about comparing programming platforms. I’m going to simply state that Node.js was picked mainly for a few reasons:

  1. its lean-and-mean minimalist design principle is in line with how I would like to run things in general,
  2. its event-driven, non-blocking-I/O architecture is well suited for contemporary high-concurrency web-centric applications, and,
  3. keeping the entire web application to a single programming platform, since contemporary client-side features are heavily and ubiquitously implemented using Javascript anyway.

Is adopting Node.js a justifiable risk?

In fact, that was the original title of the blog post. I was going to blog about the necessary research for adopting Node.js as the tech stack for the core web application back in 2013. It never grew to more than a few bullet points and was soon buried deep down the priority to-do list.

Javascript has been used on the client side in web applications for a long time. Handling non-blocking events triggered by human activities on a web browser is one thing, dealing with split-second server events and I/O activities on the server side in a non-blocking fashion is a little different. Node.js’s underlying event-driven non-blocking architecture does help somewhat flatten the learning curve to Javascript developers.

Although new Node modules emerged almost daily to try address just about anything in any problem space one could think of, not many of them prove to be very useful, let alone production-grade. That was two years ago. Admittedly, a lot has changed over the past couple of years and Node has definitely become more mature everyday. By most standards, Node.js is still a relatively young technology though.

Anyway, let’s rewind back to Fall 2013.

Built on Google’s V8 Javascript engine, Node is a Javascript-based server platform designed to efficiently run I/O-intensive server applications. For a long time, Javascript was being considered a client-side-only technology. Node.js has made it a serious contender for server-side technology. The fact that prominent software companies such as Microsoft, eBay, LinkedIn, adopted Node.js in some of their products/services was more or less testimonial. While hypes about certain seemingly arbitrary technologies have always been a phenomenon in the Silicon Valley, I wouldn’t characterize the recent uprising of Javascript and Node a mere hype.

Node.js modules

Node by itself is just a barebone server, hence picking suitable modules was one of the upfront tasks. One of the core modules that was an essential part of Node’s middleware framework is Connect, which provides chaining of functions and enhances Node’s http module. ExpressJS further equips Node with rich web app features on top of Connect. To take advantage of multi-core/processor server configuration, Node offers a method child_process.fork() for spawning worker processes that are capable of communicating with their parent via built-in IPC (Inter-process Communication).

On build tool, we started out with Grunt then later shifted to Gulp partly for the speed due to Gulp’s streaming approach. But we were happy with Grunt as well. Node uses Jade as its default templating engine. We didn’t like the performance, so we evaluated a couple of alternate templating engines including doT.js and Swig, and were shocked to see performance gain in an order of magnitude. We promptly switched to Swig (with doT.js a close second).

On test framework, we used Mocha.js with assertion libray, Chai.js, which supports BDD (Behavior-driven Development) assertion style.

Data persistence, caching, content delivery, etc

A key part of our product offerings is about data intelligence, thus databases for both OLTP and warehousing are critical components of the technology stack. MongoDB has been a default database choice for many Node.js applications for good reasons. The emerging MEAN (MongoDB-ExpressJS-AngularJS-Node.js) framework hints the popularity of the Node-MongoDB combo. So Mongo was definitely a considered database. After careful consideration, we decided to go with MySQL. One consideration being that it wouldn’t be too hard to hire a DBA/devops with MySQL experience given its popularity. Both Node.js and MongoDB were relatively new products and we didn’t have in-house MongoDB expertise at the time, so taming one beast (Node in this case) at a time was a preferred route.

There weren’t many Node-MySQL modules out there, though we managed to adopt a simplistic MySQL module that also provides simple connection pooling. Later on, due to the superior geospatial functionality of PostGIS available in the PostgreSQL ecosystem, we migrated from MySQL to PostgreSQL. Thanks to the vast Node.js module repository, there were Node-PostgreSQL modules readily available for connection pooling. To cache frequently referenced application data, we used Redis as a centralized cache store.

Besides dynamic content rendered by application, we were building a web presence also with a lot of static content of various types including images and certain client-side application data. To serve static web content, a few typical approaches, including using a proxy web server, content delivery network (CDN), have been reviewed. On proxy server, Nginx has been on its rise to overtake Apache to become the most popular HTTP server. Its minimalist design is kind of like Node’s. We did some load-testing of static content on Node which appears to be a rather efficient static content server. We decided a proxy server wasn’t necessary at least in the immediate term. As to CDN, we used Amazon’s CloudFront.

Score calculation & image processing

Part of the core value proposition of the product was to come up with objective scores in individual residential real estate properties and neighborhoods so as to help users to make intelligent choice in buying/selling their homes. As described in a previous blog post, a lot of data science work in a wide spectrum of areas (cost analysis, crime, schools, comfort, noise, etc) was performed to generate the scores.

Based on the computed scores, we then derived badges for qualified real estate properties in different areas (e.g. “Low Energy Bills”, “Safe Neighborhood”, “Top Rated Elementary School”). The badges were embedded in selected photos of individual real estate properties, which could then be fed back into the listings distribution cycle by resubmitting into the associated MLSes if the real estate agents/brokers chose to.

All the necessary score calculation and image processing for badges were done in the backend on a Python platform with PostgreSQL databases. Python Tornado servers were used as data service API along with basic caching for Node.js to consume data as presentation content.

Here’s a screen-shot of the Dwelling Page for a given real estate property, showing its DwellScore:

DwellAware DwellScore

Geospatial maps & search

For geographical maps and search, Google Maps API was extensively used from within Node.js. We gecoded in advance all real estate property addresses using the API as part of the backend data processing routine so as to take advantage of Google’s superior search capability.

To supplement the already pretty robust Google Maps search from within Node.js to better utilize our own geospatial data content, we experimented using an Elasticsearch module which comes with their n-gram lexical analyzer for fuzzy-match search. The test result was promising. An advantage of using such an autonomous search system is that it doesn’t directly tax on the Node.js server or the PostgreSQL database (e.g. pg_trgm) as traffic load increases.

Below is a screen-shot of the Search Page centering around San Diego:

DwellAware Search

Fast-forward to the present

As mentioned earlier, Node.js has evolved quite a bit over the past couple of years — the rather significant feature/performance improvements from the v0.10 to v0.12, the next LTS (long-term-support) release incorporating the latest V8 Javascript engine and ES6 ECMA features, the fork-off to io.js which later merged back to Node, …, all sound promising and exciting.

In conclusion, given the evident progress of Node’s development I’d say it’s now hardly a risk to adopt Node for building general web-centric applications, provided that your engineering team possesses sufficiently strong Javascript skills. It wasn’t a difficult decision for me two years ago to pick Node as the core technology stack, and would be an even easier one today.

For more screen-shots of the website, click here.

Yet Another Startup Venture

It has been a while since I published my last blog post. Over the past couple of years, I was busy working with a small team of entrepreneurs on a startup, DwellAware, in the residential real estate space. What we set out to build is a contemporary web application that offers objective ratings derived from a wide sprectum of data sources for individual real estate properties.

Throughout the course of the startup venture, we maintained a skeletal staff including the no-fear CEO, the product czar, a UX designer, a couple of web app/backend engineers, a data scientist, and the engineering head (myself). The office was located in the SoMa district of San Francisco. Competing for top talent in the SF Bay is always a challenge but we were thrilled to have had some of the best talent forming the foundation team.

MVP and product-market fit

Our initial focus was to build a minimally viable product (MVP) and go through rapid iterations to achieve product-market fit. To maximize the velocity of our MVP iterations, we started out with a selected region, San Diego county. We listened to users feedback regularly and iterated continuously in accordance with the feedbacks. These feedbacks were diligently acquired thru interviews with people in local coffee shops, online usability testing as well as website activity analytics.

Eventually we arrived at a refined release and started to geographically expand from a single county to the entire California. Awaiting in the processing queue ready to be deployed were a number of states including Florida, Texas, New York, Illinois. The goal was to cover the 120+ millions of properties nationwide. We scaled the technology infrastructure as we expanded the geography and had all the key technology components in place.

Sadly we couldn’t quite make it to the finish line and had to wind down the operation. In the hindsight, perhaps there were mistakes made at both strategic and tactical level that led to the disappointing result and would warrant some hard analysis. That isn’t what this blog post is about. For now I would simply like to share some of the technological considerations and decisions made during the course of the venture.

DwellScore and HoodScore

A significant portion of the engineering work lied within the data science domain. In order to create an objective scoring system for individual properties in the nation that factors in hidden-cost (e.g. commute, maintenance) analysis, we exhausted various data sources from public census databases, open-source projects to commercial data providers, so as to establish a comprehensive data warehouse.

To help real estate agents/brokers to promote their listings, we derived badges (e.g. “Safe Neighborhood”, “Low Traffic Street”, “Top Rated High School”) and blended them into listings photos for qualified real estate properties in accordance with the calculated scores. The agents/brokers were free to circulate selected badged photos by resubmitting them to associated MLSes for on-going distribution.

One of the challenges was to validate and consolidate incomplete and sometimes inaccurate data from the various sources that are often times incompatible among themselves. Even data acquired with expensive license terms was often found erroneous and incomplete. We got to the point that we were going to redefine our own nation-wide neighborhood dataset in the next upgrade.

Nevertheless, we were able to come up with our first-generation scores for individual properties (DwellScore) and neighborhoods (HoodScore), backed by some extensive data science work that aggregate sub-scores in areas of cost analysis, crime rate, school districts, neighborhood lifestyle and economics. Among the sub-scores was a comfort score that includes a number of unique ingredients including noise. To come up with just noise ranking, we had to comb through data and heat maps related to aircraft , railroad and road traffic count, all from different sources.

The fact that a number of technology partners were interested in acquiring our data science work at the end of the venture does speak to its quality and comprehensiveness.

NLP & computer vision

Real estate listings have long been known for their lack of completeness and accuracy. There are hundreds of MLSes administered using disparate data management systems and possibly over a million real estate brokers/agents in the nation. As a result, listings data not only needs to be up-to-date, but should also be systematically validated in order to be trustable.

We experimented using of NLP (natural language processing) to help validate listings data by extracting and interpreting data of interest from latest free-form text entered by agents. In addition, we worked with a computer vision company to process massive volume of listings images via pattern recognition and machine learning. Certain characteristics of individual property listings, such as curb appeal, actual living area to lot size ratio, existence of power lines, etc, could be identified through computer vision.

Technology stack

We adopted Node.js as the core tech stack for our web-centric application. Python was used as the backend/data-mining platform for data processing tasks such as real estate listings import from MLSes as well as for data-science number crunching. In addition, we also developed data service APIs for internal consumption using Tornado servers to abstract Node.js from having to handle data processing routines.

MySQL was initially chosen as the database management system for OLTP data storage and data warehousing. While Python has a rich set of libraries for geospatial/GIS (geographic information system) which constitutes a significant portion of our core development work, on the database front it didn’t take long for us to hit the limit of geospatial capability offered by MySQL’s latest stable release. Apparently, PostgreSQL equipped with PostGIS has been the de facto database choice for most geospatialists in recent years. Understanding that a database transition was going to cost us non-trivial effort, it’s one of those uncompromisable actions we had to take. Switching the database platform was made easy with SQLAlchemy providing the ORM (object-relational mapping) abstraction layer on Python.

Geospatial search

GoogleMaps API has great features for maps, street views and geocoded address search, but there were still cases where a separate custom search solution could complement the search functionality. PostgreSQL has a Trigram (pg_trgm) module which maintains trigram-based indexes over text columns for similarity search. That helps add some crude NLP (natural language processing) capability to the search functionality necessary for more user-friendly geographical search (e.g. for property address).

While Postgres’ Trigram is a viable tool, it directly taxes on the database and could impact performance as the database volume continues to grow. To scale up search independently from the database, we picked Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch comes with a comprehensive set of functions for robust text search (partial match, fuzzy match, human language, synonym support, etc) via its underlying n-gram lexical analyzer. In addition, it also has basic functions for geolocation, supporting complex shapes in GeoJSON format. In brief, Elasticsearch appears to fit well into our search requirement.

Cloud computing platform

We picked Amazon AWS as our hosting and cloud computing platform, so using its CloudFront as the CDN was a logical step. Other readily available AWS services also offer useful tools in various areas. On the operation front, Route 53 is a DNS service one might find some competitive edge over other existing services out there. For instance, it supports setting up canonical name (CNAME) for the base domain name that many big-name DNS hosting services don’t. Amazon’s elastic load balancer (ELB) also makes load-balancing setup easy and allows centralized digital certificate setup. With wildcard digital certificate for a base domain name and a security policy that permits ending SSL/TLS at the load balancer, secure website setup could be made real simple.

Security-wise, AWS now offers a rather high degree of flexibility for role-based security policy and security group setup. On database, Amazon’s RDS provides a data persistence storage solution to shield one from having to deal with building and maintaining individual relational database servers. I had a lot of reservation when evaluating AWS security in a prior startup venture about its readiness to provide a production-grade infrastructure. I must say that it has improved a great deal since.

A fun run

Although the venture lasted just slightly over two years, it was a fun run. We fostered a culture of transparency and best-ideas-win. We also embraced risk-taking and fast-learning on many fronts, including adopting and picking up bleeding-edge technologies not entirely within our comfort zone. Below are a couple of pictures taken on the day the first production application was launched back in Summer of 2014:

The crowd in the engineering room

Engineering room

Launching the first web site

Launching 1st web site